Friday, September 26, 2008

Accelerated Small Pox Reading

The take home quiz- Small Pox Reading questions will be due next Wednesday (10/1)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Science/History Project

Scientist/Philosopher Wanted Poster Assignment

You will be assigned one scientist/philosopher...
On a poster board you will make a "Wanted Poster":
Include: your name and identify the periods you have science and history class. You will be graded on this in two classes, so do a good job.
Scientist's name, date of birth and death, place of birth and death.
At least one quote from the scientist and an explaination of the significance of the quote.
Include a picture or illustration of the person as well as the technology or discovery for which they are known.
Why they are important? What are they remembered? What was happening in history when they made their discovery?
What impact they had on history/science/society in their time as well as today?
Include any information available about the person (family, schooling, other scientists they worked with...)
Neatness counts.
Put you full name in the top right hand corner of the poster. Include the period you have history and science class.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Mr. Stanton's Class Rules

Bring these to class each day to be successful.
1. A positive attitude- think Tigger not Eyeore
2. Hard work and good effort. Pay attention in class and contribute to the class in a positive way. Come to class prepared to work. Think What's Important Now: control the things you can control and don't worry about what you can't control.
3. Bring a three ring binder and something to write with.

Or: Class rule put in the negative (borrowed from Mr. Kulowiec)
No dining, No whining, No chillin'.

Tests/ Quizzes: 50%
Homework: 20%
Class work: 30%
Extra credit: 5%

The only extra credit given in clas is and outside reading book that has relevance to the class (almost any non-fiction or historical fiction book will be accepted.)

Extra help is available almost every day, but the day I stay until 3:00 regardless whether someone comes for extra help or not is Thursday.