Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week of September 26, 2011

We will begin our in class study of WWI.

Due Wednesday: 26(3) Winning the War(829-833)

 Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read And American War Song (829) When did the US declare war on Germany? How is the war poster on 830 connected to the picture on 830?
Who was Edith Cavell (biography 831) Why was she shot by the Germans? What do you think the Germans should have done with her?
Who is pictured on the recruitment poster on page 832?
Why are the French cheering on page 833?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Due Thursday : 26(4)  Making the Peace (834-838)

Identify the terms, people and places.                                                    
Who is pictured on page 834? Are they the leaders of the Allies or the Central Powers? 
Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 835. 
Answer question #3 on page 837.
Answer questions #1+2 on Analyzing Political Cartoons on page 838.
                 Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Be ready Friday for a WWI quiz

Due Next Tuesday
: Revolution and Civil War in Russia (839-845)
Identify the terms, people and places.
 Who is speaking in the letter, voices of the front, on page 839? Who do they write to, and what do they want?
Draw a quick illustration of Rasputin (840). Who was Rasputin an advisor to? What type of egg is pictured on page 840?
Answer the biography question on V.I. Lenin on page 841.
Answer thinking critically question #1 on page 843.
What caused the mass starvation pictured on page 845?
Answer the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Separate Homework Grade:  Answer Chapter Assessment questions #1-6, and 
 # 11 and #17 on page 848.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week of September 19, 2011

I want to thank Mr. Izzo for filling in so well for me during my recovery .

September 17th is Constitution Day.  All public school history teachers are required to teach at least one lesson on the subject to commemorate the completion  of the American Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787 in Philadelphia.  It was then submitted to the states for ratification.  So we will take some time this week discussing the American Federal System and its Bill of Rights.

First we will  finish our study of Islam.  Be ready for a quiz Wednesday or Thursday on the material covered both by Mr. Izzo and me. 

I know that you have viewed a key nexus event (turning point) of the 21st century: 9/11/01.
Although radical Muslim fundamentalists caused the event they do not represent the true nature of Islam.  These fundamentalists are reacting to the technological progress and changing social values of the modern world, yet they have had a significant effect on the modern world. 

World War I was the nexus point that changed the 20th century.  We will begin our study of the 20th century with this war.  Homework due by Friday:

26(1) The Great War Begins (816-821). (double homework credit) Identify the terms, people and places. Draw the three images on page 815 and explain their significance. What was the spark of WWI (picture 816). Answer question 2+3 on map skills page 817. Why are the people picture on 818 so happy? Read the biography of Kaisar Wilhelm II (819) who were his two cousins and his grandmother? Read the reasons of entering the war (820), what two powers were most responsible for starting the war? Explain your answer. How did people show their war enthusiasm (picture 821)? 
Answer the five checkpoint questions.

26(2)A New Kind of War (822-827)  Identify the terms, people and places. Read a soldier on the Western Front (822) what does the soldier hear that makes him happy? Read Map Skills on page 823, answer questions 2+3.  Read the infographic (824-5), illustrate three of the changes to warfare in the Great War. Read Map Skills on page 826, who fought against the Ottoman Empire in Egypt and on the Saudi peninsula?  Who is pictured on page 827? 
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences

Read Erich Maria Remarque: All Quiet on the Western Front (828)
Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week of September 12, 2011

Homework for the week:  Mr. Izzo will set the due dates.

Due ____________________
10(1) The Rise of Islam (p.304-309)
Identify the terms, people, and places. Read the Infographic on page 307 and answer questions #1+2. Also, answer questions #3-6 on page 308 in complete sentences.

Read the primary source reading on the Quran (Koran) on page 309. Answer Critical Thinking questions #1-3

Due ________________
10(2): Building a Muslim Empire (310-316)two separate h.w. grades
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read the caption with the Dome of the Rock on page 311. Answer the question with the picture. Look at the picture on 312. What is a whirling dervish? Answer the question with the picture on a Jewish apothecary in Spain on page 313. Answer the question on the biography on page 314. Answer the Spread of Islam questions #2+3 on page 315.
Answer questions #3,4,5 on page 316.

Due ______________
10(3) Muslim Civilizations Golden Age 317-323
Identify the terms, people, and places. Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 321. Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 323. Explain how Arabic numerals (picture 322) in Eastern Muslim Regions differed from Modern Western Arabic numerals. Who most likely brought Arabic numerals to Europe?
Answer questions #3-5 on page 322.