Monday, May 28, 2012

Week of May 29, 2012

Be ready for a quiz on Friday on material covered this week.
Research papers due, Final Copy by Friday, June 1st
Powerpoint presentations, due next Wednesday

Homework due this week:

22(1) Building a German Nation (692-695)
 Identify the terms, people, and places. 
Look at the picture on page 693, by what two things did Bismarck use to unify Germany?
 Answer question #3 on page 693.
 Read the primary source on page 694, why did Prussia go to war with Austria (6 Weeks War)? 
Answer the three checkpoint questions complete sentences.

22(2) Germany Strengthens (696-699) 
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Look at the pictures on page 696, 697,698, 699 and write a one sentence summary for each. 
Answer the three checkpoint questions. 

Due next Tuesday:
24(5) China and the New Imperialism (773-777)
Identify the terms, people and places. Read trading opium for tea (773) 
Why did Lin Zexu condemn the British policy of trading opium for tea? 
Read the caption on page 776 on the Boxer Rebellion. Who were the Boxers and why were they discontented? 
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week of May 21, 2012

Senior finals this week.  All homework will be due by Friday.
Honors class Coffeehouse Internet reading (Chapter 8) is due on Thursday.

21(1) The Industrial Revolution Spreads (660-666).
Identify terms, people, and places. Answer the focus question on page 660.
Answer #3 on page 661. What three countries are listed in steel production on page 662?
What two countries bypassed Great Britain by 1900?
What is going on in the picture on 663? What is a dynamo?
Answer Critically thinking question 1+2 on page 664.
What did Marconi invent (picture 665) How is big business pictured on page 666?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

21(2) The Rise of Cities (667-673)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Answer the focus question on page 667.
What did Florence Nightingale reform? (picture 668)
Why did Jacob Riis write How the Other Half Lives?
On page 671 what does the French advertisement urge people to go to?
Complete the three checkpoint questions in the section.

21(3) Changing Attitudes and values (674-680)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Answer the focus question on page 674.
Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 675.
Who is pictured on page 676?
Look at the picture on 677, how did the Industrial Revolution help lead to public education? Answer Thinking Critically questions 1+2 on page 679.
What is pictured on page 680?
Answer the five checkpoint questions in the section.

Due next Tuesday (5/29)
21(4) Arts of the Industrial Age (681-685)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read Beethoven' biography (682), what tragedy did this musician suffer?
Read realism in the arts(683) which picture in the classroom is Munch's?
Look at van Gogh's painting (684) what is on his ear?
Answer the three checkpoint questions.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week of May 14

MCAS this week period D goes to room 232 on Tuesday and Wednesday
Due Tuesday: 18(4) The Age of Napoleon (592-600)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Read the Witness History (592) Describe France after the Revolution;
How was Napoleon able to come to power?
Look at the map on 595, which city marked Napoleon's furthest advance east?
Read the primary source (596) bullet two effects of Napoleon's march into Russia in 1810.
Read the biography of Prince Clemens von Metternich (598), answer the question.
Look at the portrait of Louis XVIII, who do you think he looks like?
Answer the six checkpoint questions

Due Thursday
19(1)Dawn of the Industrial Revolution (608-611)

Identify the terms,people, and places.
Answer the focus question on page 608.
 Draw Jethro Tull's seed drill on page 609.
Answer the biography question on James Watt on page 610.
Also, answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

19(2) Britain Leads the Way (612-615)

Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read the witness history on page 612 and try to answer the focus question.
Answer map skills questions 2+3 on page 613.
Identify and draw one invention on page 614.
What does the textile industry make?
Anwer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences
Due Friday:  Outline/1st draft for the research paper

Due next Monday
19(3) Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution.(616-620)

Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read Witness history on page 616 and answer the focus question.
Look at the graph on pane 617, describe the population trend from 1750-1900.
Who is pictured working on page 619? Why is this sad?
What benefit of industrialization is pictured on page 620?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week of May 7, 2012

Be ready for a quiz on Friday on the material covered for the week.
Assigned  last week due on Tuesday:
18(2) The French Revolution Unfolds (577-583)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Read Parisian woman storm Versailles, who did the women want to kill?

Read French reaction to Am. Rev (579).
What two men had great influences on both revolutions?
Read the caption on page 580, why did the starving French women resent Marie Antionette?
Read the Analyzing Political Cartoons (582). What rodent represents the French Revolution?
Why did the other European royals fear the French Revolution?
Look at the sans-culotte (583), why isn't the man wearing knee high stockings?
Answer the four checkpoint questions

Due Thursday : Double points homework (Worth 2 separate grades)
18(3)Radical Days of the Revolution (585-591)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Read The Engine of Terror, what metaphorically was the "day's wine" for the guillotine? Read the two account of the Execution of a King (Louis XVI p.586). Why does Marat want to execute the king? List three reasons.
How does the London Times portray the Revolution?
Read the Robespierre biography (p.597) list three events in his life that would explain why he disliked Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
Draw a guilotinne (588) Read the six captions (pictures p.587-88) list one fact from each .
Look at the picture on page 590: was is La Marseillaise?
Look at the painting of Napoleon on page 591, which side of the French Revolution did the painter, David, agree with: The monarchy or the Revolutionaries?  Why?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in the section as well as  #6 on page 590. 

Due next Monday: 18(4) The Age of Napoleon (592-600)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Read the Witness History (592) Describe France after the Revolution;

How was Napoleon able to come to power?
Look at the map on 595, which city marked Napoleon's furthest advance east?
Read the primary source (596) bullet two effects of Napoleon's march into Russia in 1810.
Read the biography of Prince Clemens von Metternich (598), answer the question.
Look at the portrait of Louis XVIII, who do you think he looks like?
Answer the six checkpoint questions.