Sunday, June 16, 2013

Last full week of school. June 17, 2013

Final Exams begin this week.  Study EACH night in short segments. 

Thursday D period,
Friday A + C period finals.  Full days this week.
Next Monday 1/2 day:    finals  B+F              
Next Tuesday:  1/2 day   finals E +G
Final exam make up day next Wednesday

Last bookwork assignment due Tuesday.
18(4) The Age of Napoleon (592-600)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Read the Witness History (592) Describe France after the Revolution;
How was Napoleon able to come to power?
Look at the map on 595, which city marked Napoleon's furthest advance east?
Read the primary source (596) bullet two effects of Napoleon's march into Russia in 1810.

Due Wednesday
Complete the book review questions passed out on Friday. This will be a quiz grade
Due on day of exam: bring a pencil.   Complete the things to know on the final exam review sheet. These sheets were passed out last Friday.  They will be due the day of your exam. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week of June 10, 2013

This is the last week of Current events
Homework assigned last week is due by  Tuesday
Field day is Wednesday.  Sign up for at least TWO events.  Wear your Red Shirt.

Homework due Wednesday
18(1) On the Eve of Revolution (572-577). 
Identify the terms, people, and places listed on page 572. 
Look at the Witness History pn page 572. What led to the storming of the Bastille (July 14, 1789)?Answer question #1 on page 573.
Answer Critically Thinking questions #1+2 on page 574.
Read the Primary Source on page 575, why did the poor attack the nobles' homes? 
Answer the 4 Checkpoint questions in the section OR questions #3-5 on page 577.

18(2) The French Revolution Unfolds (577-583) 
Identify the terms, people and places.
Read Parisian woman storm Versailles, who did the women want to kill?
Read French reaction to Am. Rev (579). 
What two men had great influences on both revolutions? 
Read the caption on page 580, why did the starving French women resent Marie Antionette? 
Read the Analyzing Political Cartoons (582). What rodent represents the French Revolution? 
Why did the other European royals fear the French Revolution? 
Look at the sans-culotte (583), why isn't the man wearing knee high stockings? 
Answer the four checkpoint questions

Homework due by next Monday double homework grade
18(3)Radical Days of the Revolution (585-591)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Read The Engine of Terror, what metaphorically was the "day's wine" for the guillotine? Read the two account of the Execution of a King (Louis XVI p.586). Why does Marat want to execute the king? List three reasons.
How does the London Times portray the Revolution?
Read the Robespierre biography (p.597) list three events in his life that would explain why he disliked Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
Draw a guilotinne (588) Read the six captions (pictures p.587-88) list one fact from each .
Look at the picture on page 590: was is La Marseillaise?
Look at the painting of Napoleon on page 591, which side of the French Revolution did the painter, David, agree with: The monarchy or the Revolutionaries?  Why?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in the section as well as  #6 on page 590. 

Last bookwork due next Tuesday.
18(4) The Age of Napoleon (592-600)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Read the Witness History (592) Describe France after the Revolution;
How was Napoleon able to come to power?
Look at the map on 595, which city marked Napoleon's furthest advance east?
Read the primary source (596) bullet two effects of Napoleon's march into Russia in 1810.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Week of June 3, 2013

Continue to work hard as we gear down the last few weeks of the term.
Current event week 7 this week.  Turn this in by Friday.
Remember, if  you are reading an extra credit book this term you must turn in a separate report to me at least one week before the term ends.

Homework due next Tuesday:

17(1) Philosophy in the Age of Reason (544-548)
Identify the terms, people and places listed on page 544.
Read page 543. How did Enlightenment thinkers think they could fix the problems of society? What did Rousseau (witness history p.544) think people should do in order to be free?
Look at the picture on 545, how is Hobbes's ruler pictured? Why?
Read the biographies on page 546. What did Voltaire attack in his writings? What did Montesquieu think was necessary to protect liberty?
Look at the picture on 548. What resource do investors provide :human, natural, or capital?
Answer the four checkpoint questions OR questions #2-5 on page 548.

Separate Homework Grade:
Read the Primary Source : John Locke on page 549. Answer questions #1+2.

17(2) Enlightenment Ideas Spread (550-555)
Read the Witness History (550) What does reason, tolerance, and love overcome in the Magic Flute?
Look at the picture on 551, why did writers hide their feelings in satire?
Read the infographic (552-3), how does Rococo Art differ from Baroque Art?
Who are the three enlightened despots pictured on page 554?
Read about Operas on page 556, answer question #1.
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR question #3-6 on page