18(1) -18(4) are all past due and will count on this term as well as last term.
Make sure you complete these assignments.
We will have a quiz on the French Revolution Friday.
The essay question will be to identify and explain at least three of the causes of the French Revolution. Think (SPRITE EM) for the three causes.
Make sure you complete these assignments.
We will have a quiz on the French Revolution Friday.
The essay question will be to identify and explain at least three of the causes of the French Revolution. Think (SPRITE EM) for the three causes.
Due Thursday
Review the quick Study Guide on page 602.
Complete the Chapter Assessment (604) Answer questions #1-10 (all the matching, one word answers)
Answer these questions in complete sentences:#11,14,15,18, 20
Current Events 4-1 due by Friday
Current Events 4-1 due by Friday