As a quiz grade this week I will ask you to write a short memoir from the trenches. What do you see, hear, smell, taste and touch in the trenches?
This week we will be looking at the rise of Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin after WWI. Why do you think people were looking for strong leadership after WWI? Why was the post war period referred to by some as "a time of confusion" or a period of the "lost generation"?
Bookwork due by the end of next week.
29(1) From Appeasement to War (924-929)
Identify the terms, people and places
Look at the picture on page 925. What did Neville Chamberlain think he had brought Britian in September 1938 with his agreement with Hitler?
Look at the picture on 925, what treaty did Germany break by rearmament?
Look at the picture on page 926. List the four fascist leaders and their countries.
Why is the woman crying on page 927?
Look at the map on page 928. Answer questions #1+2.
Look at the chart on page 92:. Identify the top two reasons to appease (give into) Hitler.
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences, or put 3 sets of bullets for each checkpoint section.
29(2) The Axis Advances (930-938)
Identify the terms, people, and places.Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 933.
Answer Thinking Critically #1 on page 935.
Read the picture caption on 936, how did the Japanese treat the Chinese?
Read the caption to the picture on 938, answer the question.
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences or write three bullets for each checkpoint section.