Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week of February1, 2016

Honor's 4th Horseman reading due next Monday.
Don't forget current events due by the end of the week.
Homework due next Monday

Double homework grade.
13(4) Reformation Ideas Spread (428-433) Double homework grade:
Identify 5 terms people and places on page 428.
Read A King Speaks out on page 428. 
Did Henry VIII originally oppose or support Luther's break from the church?
Read the biography of Elizabeth I biography on page 429. What three accomplishments of Elizabeth led to what was called the Elizabethan Age?
Read the major events of the English Reformation. Why did King Henry VIII break from the Church in 1533?
How long did it take him to take over the Church of England with the Act of Supremacy?
Look at the map of major European Religions about 1600.
How many religions existed in the Holy Roman Empire?
Why do you think the Holy Roman Empire could not unite into one unified nation? 
Look at the primary source on page 433.
How did Teresa of Avila try to end the Reformation in France?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

16(1) Spanish Power Grows (504-508)
Identify 5 of the terms, people and places.
Read a Working Monarch (504)  Use  3 adjectives to describe Philip II.
Answer question #3 of Map Skills (505). Who was the Spanish enemy at Lepanto?
Read the Infographic (506) Who did Philip II marry?
What battle assured Philip II role as defender of the Catholic Church? 
Look at the picture on 507. What state broke away from Spain in 1648?
Whose painting is pictured on 508?
Answer the 3 checkpoint questions in COMPLETE sentences or questions 3,4,5 on page 508

Separate home work  grade 
Read Don Quixote, answer questions 1+2 on page 509

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Week of January 25, 2016

I hope you enjoyed this weekend's snow.  This week marks the beginning of term 3, don't forget to do your current events.   

In class DBQ to be completed on Thursday or Friday: Do you believe that Christopher Columbus a hero or a villain? Why is he viewed as a hero or a villain to some scholars? 

Background to be covered this week in class: What was the Colombian Exchange?  Describe the transfer of plants, animals and diseases between the New and Old World and explain its impact on world history.

Homework due next Monday.
15(3)Struggle for North America (482-486)
Identify the terms, people, and places listed on page 482. 
Read A piece of the past on page 482. What was discovered in a newly plowed field in 1867? Read the biography on page 483. What was Jacques Cartier sent to find by the French king? Look at the picture on page 484, what were English settlers promised in Virginia? Why do you think John Smith in Jamestown later said "those who do not work do not eat." 
Read page 485, answer map skills questions #2+3.
Answer Comprehension questions #3-6 on page 486 OR 3 checkpoint questions.

15(4) The Atlantic Slave Trade (487-490). 
Identify the terms, people, and places listed on page 487.
What are the two pictures on page 487? Draw one of them.
Read page 488. What was Ottobah Cugoano traded for?
Answer the Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 489. 
What is the dilemma/tradeoff that William Cowper writes about on page 490?
Look at the triangular trade routes (489) why could it be called the quadrangle trade?
Answer Comprehension and Critical Thinking questions #3-5 on page 490 OR the 3 checkpoint questions.

15(5) Effects of Global Contact (491-495)
Identify the terms, people, and places listed on page 491. 
Read the "Uniting the World" reading on page 491. 
What did Adam Smith say were the two greatest and most important events in world history?
Why were they so important?
Look at the picture on 492. What two sources do the Spanish credit their victory in the new world? Read tulipmaina? Where and why did it occur and what year did it crash? 
Read Comparing viewpoints on page 494. What was the cause of the trade war? 
Answer questions #4-6 on page 495 or the 3 checkpoint questions

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week of January 19, 2016

Grades for the term close Friday.
No homework assigned this week.  Study for mid-terms and complete any missing homework for the term.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Week of January 11, 2016

Midterms begin on Friday,  review sheets are due the day of the midterm.
The Medieval Timelines are graded as a quiz, don't forget to turn them in.
Honors reading annotation on the Black Death is due Wednesday.
    annotate the reading,   three column writeup due:
  5 facts with page numbers/ 3 Q+A/  idk or ah-hah

No book homework due this week;  complete the review sheets before your mid-term and turn them into me before the test.

Exam Schedule
Friday:  B1 and B2 Exams
Next Monday:  MLK Day, no school
Next Tuesday: A4 and A3 Exams
Next Wednesday: B4 and B3 Exams
Next Thursday: 1/2 day   A1 and A2 Exams
Next Friday:  B1 Day, no exams
Midterm open ended questions

1.  What is civil disobedience?  Who developed this policy of reform?  What are its two components?  Why is civil disobedience so effective?  Identify and explain a civil disobedience protest and explain if you think its effectiveness.  How do the recent protests against the police mistreatment of African Americans break from the concept of civil disobedience?

2.  What would be the best way to teach a class or coach a team: Confucianism, Daoism, or legalism?  Why is  one method better in the short and long term than the other two methods?

3.  Identify and explain the MAINS causes of WWI?  Explain how the implementation of the von Schlieffen Plan brought all the major European powers into WWI.  Could this war have been avoided?  Explain why or why not.

4.  How did the Treaty of Versailles lead to the election of Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany in 1933?  How was Germany treated by the treaty and why did all Germans dislike it? Why were Jews a common scapegoat to attack throughout most of European history?  How did Hitler use the scapegoat to unite Germans?

5.  Describe the feudal relationship between a lord and his vassal.  What obligations were owed by each to the other?   Why did feudalism develop in the Middle Ages and how was it a response to Viking attacks?  What were the obligations the peasants owed their lord?  Why would serf give up their freedom?  Identify what what was  more important in the Middle Ages than freedom.  Draw a motte and bailey castle and explain how it provided protection from invaders.

6.  Why were the Crusades called?  Were they a success or a failure?  Explain how they may have been both a success and a failure.What is cultural diffusion? How did Europe benefit culturally and commercially from the Crusades.  What is the legacy of the Crusades today?  Why is the University of Holy Cross changing its mascot from Crusaders to Suns?  

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Week of January 4, 2016

Name_________________________________                                            Mr. Stanton
Medieval Timeline  476 CE- 1453 CE 
Low Middle Ages or ________________  Ages  500CE -1100CE
High Middle Ages    1100-1350 CE  
476 AD  Official Fall of _________________
570-632  Life of _______________________, founder of Islam
622  ___________________, Mohammed’s holy flight from Mecca to Medina
600- 800  Irish________________  Age
732  Battle of Tours, Charles Martel defeats  _______________, European Muslims
800-1000   _________________  invaders from Scandinavia ravage Europe
800 Coronation of Charlemagne by _________  Leo III.  The beginning of Holy Roman Empire (1st Reich)
843  Treaty of ____________________  Charlemagne’s empire split into 3 parts
988  Prince Vladimir converts Kiev (Ukraine) to Orthodox _____________________ St. Cyril and Methodius sent by Byzantine Emperor invent _______________ alphabet to translate Bible into Russian language
1054  The ____________ of the Christian Church between Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Church
1066 The Norman ____________________ of England, William the __________________ becomes. William the _____________________
1095 Pope Urban II calls the 1st ______________________ to save the Holy Land from Muslim control and reunite the  Church
              8 Crusades 1096-1291
The crusades in 1096, 1146, 1309 witnessed mass killing of ___________ along Rhine
1100’s Champagne trade fairs, High ____________ Ages begin (growth of trade)
1204 Venetian trading rivals sack ___________________ in the 4th Crusade
1215 King John signs the Magna ________________ protecting nobles’ rights.  Era of common law and rule of law emerges in England.
1240 Mongols capture and destroy ______________, Mongols crush Kiev and rule Russia for 200 years
    1240-1368  Mongol domination of Eurasia  It is referred to as the Mongol ___________
1275 Marco _________ visits China, ruled by Kubla Khan (Genghis Khan’s grandson)
1291  ___________ forces seize Acre, the last Christian stronghold, ______________ end
1300- Renaissance spirit emerges among Northern _____________  city states
1337 Start of the 100 Years War  between _________________ and France
100 Years War  1337-1453
1341 Petrarch become 1st poet __________________  since fall of Rome,  Renaissance begins
   Renaissance or Early  ______________  Period 1350-1650
1348  New outbreaks of Bubonic __________________ (Black Death) in Europe.
     Massive pogroms occur in Europe as ___________are blamed for poisoning wells and food.
1452  Leonardo da Vinci born in ____________________, Italy (near Florence)
1453  Constantinople falls to Ottoman  ________________  and  Byzantine Empire ends.
1453  End of the 100  Years War between England and ________________, home of Joan of Arc
1452 Johann Gutenberg ____________ printed,  movable ____________ invented.
1475 Michelangelo born in ___________________, Italy
1492 Columbus sails from Spain and ____________________ New World (Americas)