Monday, May 30, 2016

New Imperialism and WWI review

New Imperialism 
How did the Industrial Revolution contribute to imperialism?
Which 20th century war did Imperialism help start?
Which 2 countries dominated African Imperialism?
Why did the Opium War start?
What methods did Gandhi use to encourage Indian Independence?

World War I  dates
Allies vs. _____________________
MAINS causes of WWI
Nationalism in the Balkans between what two nations
Franz Fedinand, vs.  Gavrilo Princip
Zwifrontenkrieg and von Schlieffan Plan
Who mobilized forces threatening Germany
What nation’s neutrality did England Protect
Eastern Front
Western Front
trench war
new weapons

Week of May 31, 2016

We are in the home stretch keep working until the Final Exam

These are the last book assignments.  The rest of the year will be a review of WWI and WWII. 
Homework due next Monday.

24(5) China and New Imperialism (773-777)
Identify 5 of the terms, people, and places
Read Witness History (773)  Who was trading opium for tea in China in the 1800's?
Draw the British Union Jack pictured on page 773.
Read the infographic on the Taiping Rebellion (774)  What "radical" western ideas did Hon Xiuquan propose?  
Read the caption to  the picture on the Boxer Rebellion on page 776.  How many Boxers tried to drive the westerners out of China?  List three reasons Boxers revolted.
Read the biography of Sun Yixian (p.777) Where did Sun go to school?  Where was he living when he decided to join the revolt against the Chinese government?  
Answer three of the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

25(1) Japan Modernizes (784-790)
Identify five of the terms, people, and places.
 Answer Travelers's Tales 786-7 Thinking Critically (787) questions 1+2. 
Answer three of the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

27(5) Conflicting Forces in Japan (874-877) 

Identify five of the terms, people, and places. 
Answer Map Skillsqustion #3 on page 876.
Answer  the biography question on Hirohito on page 877.
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences

Don't forget current events.  Four current event sheets are due this term.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week of May 23,2016

Chpt 22 (1-3) Nationalism homework is now past due.  We will look at the Unification of Italy and Germany this week and the role of nationalism and  imperialism in the 19th century.

Homework due next Monday

24(1) The New Imperialism, Building Overseas Empires (749-753)
Identify the terms, people, places
Read Witness History (White Man's Burden) What do you think Kipling is saying in his poem?
List the 4 motives for New Imperialism listed in bold print on page 751.
Look at the picture on page 751, What are gold mines for tomorrow?
Look at the picture on page 752, what did Sir Hiram Maxim invent?  Draw it.
Read Chief Kabongo's account (opposing imperialism 752) Who do you think was the King of the Pink Cheek?
Look at the picture on page 753, who was playing polo? Is anyone missing (are all Indians allowed to play?)
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. 

24(2) The Partition of Africa (754-760)
Choose 5 terms, people, and places to identify
Read the letter from Chief Machemba (witness history) what does he offer to give to Herman von Wissman? 
Read the caption to the picture on page 755?  How many men were in Cetshwayo's  Zulu army?
What is pictured on page 756?   What did missionaries bring to Africa?
Look at the two maps on 757?  What happened in Africa between 1850 and 1914?
Read the biography of Cecil Rhodes (758) How did Rhodes make his money? What is Rhodes holding in the picture? 
Read the biography of Menelik II (759) How was Menelik able to defeat the Italians at Adowa?
Look at the picture on page 760.  Why do you think the man seated next to the king is dressed so well?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

24(4)   The British take over India  (767-771)
Identify the terms, people, and places 
Read witness history (p.767) why did the Indians call British Imperialism the Knife of Sugar ?
Read the Sepoy Rebellion (768) Why did Muslim and Hindu Sepoy s, Indian soldiers in the British army, rebel?   What did they refuse to bite?  Why?
Look at the picture on page 170. Identify three benefits of British rule in India.
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences.  

Sunday, May 15, 2016

May 15, 2016

Homework due this week:

22(1) Building a German Nation (692-695)
Identify the terms, people, and places. 
Look at the picture on page 693, by what two things did Bismarck use to unify Germany? Answer question #3 on page 693.
Read the primary source on page 694, why did Prussia go to war with Austria (6 Weeks War)? 
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences
22(2) Germany Strengthens (696-699)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Look at the pictures on page 696, 697,698, 699 and write a one sentence summary for each. 
Answer the three checkpoint questions complete sentences.

22(3) Unifying Italy (700-704)
Identify the terms, people, and places
Read Witness History (700) What nationality did Mazzini identify with?
Read the caption to the picture (701) Who did the Italians fight in Venice?
Look at the map (703)  Identify the four men most responsible for Italian unification.  List one fact about each man.
Look at the picture of Italian emigration (704) What country did many Italians go to in the 1800’s and 1900’s? 
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Separate HW grade
Read Concept Connector: Nationalism (709)

Identify the 3 countries and 3 ways nationalism has been used in history.  Explain how nationalism is both a positive and a negative force.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week of May 9, 2016

We will focus on major changes in the 1800's.  In art we will focus on  realism, romanticism and impressionism .  We will also focus on these three individuals who helped to shape the 19th century:   France's Napoleon Bonaparte,  Austria's Clemens von Metternich, 
and Prussia's  Otto von Bismarck.  
They all had a key role in the political,  economic, and military shaping of modern Europe. 

Homework due next week.
22(3) Unifying Italy (700-704)
Identify the terms, people, and places
Read Witness History (700) What nationality did Mazzini identify with?
Read the caption to the picture (701) Who did the Italians fight in Venice?
Look at the map (703)  Identify the four men most responsible for Italian unification.  List one fact about each man.
Look at the picture of Italian emigration (704) What country did many Italians go to in the 1800’s and 1900’s? 
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Separate HW grade
Read Concept Connector: Nationalism (709)
Identify the 3 countries and 3 ways nationalism has been used in history.  Explain how nationalism is both a positive and a negative force.

24(1) The New Imperialism, Building Overseas Empires (749-753)
Identify the terms, people, places
Read Witness History (White Man's Burden) What do you think Kipling is saying in his poem?
List the 4 motives for New Imperialism listed in bold print on page 751.
Look at the picture on page 751, What are gold mines for tomorrow?
Look at the picture on page 752, what did Sir Hiram Maxim invent?  Draw it.
Read Chief Kabongo's account (opposing imperialism 752) Who do you think was the King of the Pink Cheek?
Look at the picture on page 753, who was playing polo? Is anyone missing (are all Indians allowed to play?)
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Week of May 2, 2016

Be ready for a quiz on the Industrial Revolution at the end of the week
19(4) and 21 (4)  due this week

Homework due next week:
21(3) Changing Attitudes and values (674-680)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Answer the focus question on page 674.
Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 675.
Who is pictured on page 676?
Look at the picture on 677, how did the Industrial Revolution help lead to public education? Answer Thinking Critically questions 1+2 on page 679.
What is pictured on page 680?
Answer four of  the five checkpoint questions in the section

22(1) Building a German Nation (692-695)
Identify the terms, people, and places. 
Look at the picture on page 693, by what two things did Bismarck use to unify Germany? Answer question #3 on page 693.
Read the primary source on page 694, why did Prussia go to war with Austria (6 Weeks War)? 
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences

22(2) Germany Strengthens (696-699)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Look at the pictures on page 696, 697,698, 699 and write a one sentence summary for each. 
Answer the three checkpoint questions complete sentences.