Welcome back from break and happy Mardi Gras Week. Why is Tuesday called Fat Tuesday in New Orleans and Carnival in Brazil?
We will present our power points this week in class. Remember to include slides on background, obstacles, accomplishments and legacy of your person. Did they do more to change society or were they products of their time period?
Honors reading on Rum and its impact is due this Thursday.
Homework due next week:
17(2) Enlightenment Ideas Spread (550-555)
Identify five of the terms, people, and places Read the Witness History (550) What does reason, tolerance, and love overcome in the Magic Flute?
Look at the picture on 551, why did writers hide their feelings in satire?
Read the infographic (552-3), how does Rococo Art differ from Baroque Art?
Who are the three enlightened despots pictured on page 554?
Read about Operas on page 556, answer question #1.
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR question #3-6 on page 555 Or three bullets/section.
Look at the picture on 551, why did writers hide their feelings in satire?
Read the infographic (552-3), how does Rococo Art differ from Baroque Art?
Who are the three enlightened despots pictured on page 554?
Read about Operas on page 556, answer question #1.
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR question #3-6 on page 555 Or three bullets/section.
17(3) Birth of the American Republic (557-563) (double hw grade)
Identify five of the terms, people, and places
Read Witness History (557) What was the point of Paine's Common Sense?
Look at map skills (558) Answer question #3.
What three men are pictured on page 559? What did they write?
Read the three biographies on page 560. Answer the bold questions at the bottom of each reading.
Who is the focus of the picture on page 561?
What three branches are pictured on page 562?
Read the Bill of Rights (563) Why do you think they had to be added as amendments to the US Constitution?
Answer the 5 checkpoint questions OR #3-6 on page 563 or 3 bullets/section.
Read Witness History (557) What was the point of Paine's Common Sense?
Look at map skills (558) Answer question #3.
What three men are pictured on page 559? What did they write?
Read the three biographies on page 560. Answer the bold questions at the bottom of each reading.
Who is the focus of the picture on page 561?
What three branches are pictured on page 562?
Read the Bill of Rights (563) Why do you think they had to be added as amendments to the US Constitution?
Answer the 5 checkpoint questions OR #3-6 on page 563 or 3 bullets/section.