Saturday, September 30, 2017

Week of October 2, 2017, Honors

Bring in your permission slip and the $10  for the field trip to MMA  on October 11th
Lunch will be provided at Mass Maritime,

Sargent York reading is due Thursday
 -annotate the reading,  underline the facts,  react in the margin to  the reading.
 -list 10 facts and identify the page numbers  make sure to list the facts of York's heroism
 -React to the reading.  Is Sargent York a true hero or was he made one for propaganda purposes?  
     Explain your answer.  Do you think he is more legend than hero?  Why were Nazis skeptics
     of this story?

If you did not complete the last reading on the causes of WWI than the Christmas truce reading is also due.

Homework due next Tuesday:

  30(2) A Culture in Conflict (752-756)
Identify: psychoanalysis, abstract,  surrealism, stream of consciousness,
Read the biography of Marie Curie(752)  How many Nobel Prizes did she win?  How can her death be attributed to these prizes?
Look at Dali's Persistence of Memory (753)  How would traditionalists view this surrealist work?
Read connections to today (754) When was the first science fiction film?  Why do people care about the Oscars?
What two musicans are pictured on page 755?  What type of music did they perform?
Look at the picture on 756?  What is a flapper?
Answer questions 3-6 on page 756.

  28(2)  From Lenin to Stalin  (707-710)
Identify command economy, collective, kulak
Draw a hammer and sickle (707)  What does it symbolize? Why was it placed above the world?
Read the biography of Stalin (708)   List 3 adjectives to describe his personality.
Look at the map of the USSR (709)  What was the biggest Soviet state?
Look at the fact finder (710) What two resources did the 5 year plans focus on producing?
Read Collectivization on page (711)  Answer questions 1+2.
Answer questions 1-6 on page 71. (Number 2 is already done)

 28(3) Life in a Totalitarian State  (713-717)
 Identify totalitarian state, atheism, socialist realism
Read Forced Labor Camp (713)  How long was the trial of Getman?  Why was he sent to a labor camp?
Read the Russian Orthodox Church (714) Why is it the most respected institution in Russia today?
Look at the picture on page 718.  What did socialist realism represent?
Read a revolution in film making (716)  Identify one way Eisenstein changed directing?  Why did Eisenstein's last film not get shown in the USSR until after Stalin's death?
Answer questions 3,4,5 on page 712.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Week of October 2,2017 CP1, CP2

Bring in your permission slip and the $10  for the field trip to MMA  on October 11th
Lunch will be provided at Mass Maritime,

Read the Infographic on page 900-901
Complete the 6 features of a Totalitarian State (900) shared by Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Communist USSR. 
       Single party ________________ with _________ obedience to a single leader.
  _________________ control of the economy.
Use of ____________ spies and ____________ to enforce the will of the state.
       Government control of the ______________ to indoctrinate and mobilize citizens 
 Use of ____________________ and youth organizations to spread __________________ to children
 Strict ____________________ of the artists and ______________________ with dissenting opinions. 

Read 28(4) The Soviet Union under Stalin (904-911)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read Witness History (904) How is Stalin portrayed in the picture?
Look at the picture (905). What did Stalin see as the key to success of the USSR? 
Why are the people pictured on page 906 starving? What happened to their crops?
Look at the map on 907? How did Stalin use Gulags?
What tools are being raised by the factory worker and the farmer on page 908? 
Look at the picture (909) What happened to the Russian Orthodox Church? 
Look at the picture (910) Why were Soviet cities so crowded? 
Complete the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences or 3 bullets from each section. 

28(1) Postwar Social Changes. (884-889)
Identify the terms people and places. 
Who is pictured on age 884? What type of music did he play?
Look at the picture on 885, what is a speakeasy? 
Read about the Jazz Age (886-7) 
How did flappers shock their elders? 
Illustrate three changes in technology pictured. 
Read Marie Curie (888) what was she best known for? 
Read abstract art, why is Kadinsky's art (889) and Picasso's art (890) called Cubist? 
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR 3 bullet facts for each checkpoint section

Monday, September 25, 2017

Europe 1914 Honors reading questions

1. Describe the situation in Europe before WWI began.
Where did many German noblemen study?
Who received an honorary Oxford degree three days before the assassination?  Why is this significant?

2. In Germany how was war seen as a panacea for social ills?

3. Why did Germany fear a growing Russian military?  Who helped build up Russia's military? Why?

4.   Why couldn't England afford not to fight?  What were the two negative possible outcomes if they stayed out of the conflict?

5. Explain two (of three) assumptions that most European governments made about an impending conflict?

6. In England, France and Germany what were many European leaders afraid of happening to the people that was not like the Japanese?  How would the nation respond to war?  What did happen?

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week of Sept. 25, 2017 Honors

For classroom discussion:
Does the First Amendment to the Constitution protect the right of freedom of speech?   Is the right to kneel down during the National Anthem to protest perceived civil rights disparities in America protected by the first amendment?  Are your rights to protest the same at school and work the same as the right to protest as a citizen on the street?  
Why is there controversy between President Trump and some players in the NFL and NBA?  What do you think?  

The WWI reading is past due.  You will be receiving a second reading on Sargent York this week.

27(5)  Making the Peace (p.694-697)
Identify:  Pandemic, reparations, collective security, mandate
Answer the two questions on the fact finder on page 694.
Read the primary source on p.695.  Describe how German delegates were treated at Versailles.
Look at the maps on p. 696  List 10 countries that had their borders changed in eastern Europe. 
Look at the chart 697.  List the  effect of WWI.  Explain why you chose this.
Answer questions 3,4,5,7 on page 697.

28(1) Two Revolutions in Russia (703-707)
Identify proletariat, soviet, commissar
Read Geography and History (702)  Why are the Russians a minority in their own land?
Read did you know (703)  In what three ways did assassins try to kill Rasputin?  Why is it amazing that the cause of death was drowning?
Read the biography of Lenin (704)  What two deaths had an impact on Lenin's life? How do you think his brother's death impacted his view of the Russian Czar?
Read the primary source on page 706.  Who were the Whites and the Reds?  Who would a property owner be more afraid of?  Why?
Answer questions 3,4,5 on page 706.

Week of Sept. 25, 2017 CP1 and CP2

For classroom discussion:
Does the First Amendment to the Constitution protect the right of freedom of speech?   Is the right to kneel down during the National Anthem to protest perceived civil rights disparities in America protected by the first amendment?  Are your rights to protest the same at school and work the same as the right to protest as a citizen on the street?  
Why is there controversy between President Trump and some players in the NFL and NBA?  What do you think?

26(4) Making the Peace (834-838)
Identify:  Pandemic, reparations, collective security, mandate
Who is pictured on page 834? Are they the leaders of the Allies or the Central Powers?
Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 835.
Answer question #3 on page 837.
Answer questions #1+2 on Analyzing Political Cartoons on page 838.
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR  3 bullet facts for each checkpoint section. 

26(5) Revolution and Civil War and the postwar period in Russia (839-845)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Who is speaking in the letter, voices of the front, on page 839? Who do they write to, and what do they want? 
Draw a quick illustration of Rasputin (840). Who was Rasputin an advisor to? What type of egg is pictured on page 840?
Answer the biography question on V.I. Lenin on page 841.
Answer thinking critically question #1 on page 843.
What caused the mass starvation pictured on page 845?
Answer four of the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR  3 bullet facts for each checkpoint section. 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Week of Sept 18th/CP1 and 2

Don't forget  current events

26(2)A New Kind of War (822-827) 
Identify five of the terms, people and places. 
Read a soldier on the Western Front (822) what does the soldier hear that makes him happy? Read Map Skills on page 823, answer questions 2+3. 
Read the infographic (824-5), illustrate three of the changes to warfare in the Great War. Read Map Skills on page 826, who fought against the Ottoman Empire in Egypt and on the Saudi peninsula? 
Who is pictured on page 827? 
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences/or 3 bullet facts for each question 

26(3) Winning the War(829-833) 
Identify the terms, people, and places. 
Read And American War Song (829) When did the US declare war on Germany? 
How is the war poster on 830 connected to the picture on 830?
Who was Edith Cavell (biography 831) Why was she shot by the Germans? What do you think the Germans should have done with her?
Who is pictured on the recruitment poster on page 832?
Why are the French cheering on page 833? 

Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR  3 bullet facts for each checkpoint section. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Week of Sept. 18, 2017 Honors World History

WW1 causes reading is due next Monday (9/25) ( Europe 1914, Sir Michael Howard):
-Annotate the reading  (underline facts,  respond to reading)
-list 10 words you are not sure of and define them
-list  7 facts with page numbers
-Identify  reasons for going to war for  UK,  France, Russia, Serbia    Germany, Austria-Hungary,
Respond to reading.  What do you think of it? Don't just say you like or hate it,  explain why you like it or not.  What do you like or dislike about the writing style of  Howard?

Book work due Friday
27(3) A New Kind of Conflict (685-689)
Identify or illustrate:  stalemate, no man's land, zeppelin, U-boat, convoy
Read about the Christmas truce on page 685.  What happened?  Why would officers on both sides    
     oppose this Christmas 1914 truce?
Read Caring for the wounded (686). Why are the French soldiers hanging?  Why are they proud?
Look at the map on 687.  Answer question #3.
Look at WWI technology (688).  List the three new weapons of WWI.  Which of these weapons had
    the greatest impact on stalemate in the Western Front. Explain why.
Read about the Battle of Gallipoli (689)  Where and when was it fought?  Why do you think it was
Answer questions 3-7 on page 689 in complete sentences

27(4) Winning the War  (690-693)
Identify  Total war, conscription, propaganda, atrocity, self determination, armistice
Look at the propaganda poster on page 690.  How do you know it is a German soldier?  Where is he
     looking to? Why do you think it is so bloody?
Read the biography of Edith Cavell (691)  Why did she become an Allied martyr?
Who is pictured on page 692?  Describe the environment they are fighting in.
Read Getting Over There (693)  What is a convoy and why were they used?
Answer questions 3,4,5, 7 on page 693

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Current Event

At least 5 sets of Current Events will be due each term.
 I will have forms for completion that I will pass out.
You must complete three separate current events  on each form.

Each current event will explain
Who or what is the story about
When and where it is taking place
Why it is significant:  SPRITE EM
social, political, religious, intellectual, technological, economic, environmental, military

I will also accept one original poem    8 lines if it rhymes,  10 lines if it is free verse
or an acrostic of a word or phrase with a minimum of 8 letters
Explain the SPRITE EM of the poem separately

I will also take an original titled political cartoon,  but you must explain its content.  

Week of Sept. 11 Honors class

Monday is the 16th anniversary of 9/11/01.  We will discuss how this was a nexus point  in world history.  As we wrap up nationalism and  look at New Imperialism of the 1800's before we begin our study of the causes and effects of WWI.
We will analyze and review summer reading on Friday.  Make sure you talk to me before Friday if you are not ready for the discussion.

Homework for the week (Brown book)
Read 27(1)  The Stage is Set (676-681)
Look at the map on 677.  Why was WWI a world war?
Identify pacifism, militarism, and entente
Answer the Skills assessment questions 1+2 on page 679.
When if ever would it be justified for the US to fight North Korea?  Can a preemptive strike ever be viewed as a defensive war?
Look at the map on page 680:  Identify 5 Allies and 4 Central Powers
Read the Biography of Kaisar Wilhem II (681)  Who did he blame for the war? Who did he say would not have allowed it?
 Answer questions 3,4,5 on page 681

Read 27(2)  The Guns of August (682-684)
Identify:  Ultimatum, mobilize, neutrality
Read A New Balkan Power keg (682)  identify what religions and ethnic groups and nationalities live in the Balkan Peninsula
Look at Who Killed the Peace of Europe;  What countries are pointing fingers? What country is not?
Look at the picture on page 684.  Why did the soldiers write "next stop, Paris" on the train?
Answer questions  1, 3, 4, 5, 6, on page 684.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Week of September 11, 2017 CP1 and 2

Monday is the 16th anniversary of 9/11/01.  We will discuss how this was a nexus point  in world history.  As we wrap up nationalism and  look at New Imperialism of the 1800's before we begin our study of the causes and effects of WWI. 

Homework for the week (Yellow and Red book)
(26(1) The Great War Begins (816-821). (double homework credit)
Identify  five of the terms, people and places. 
Draw the three images on page 815 and explain their significance. 
What was the spark of WWI (picture 816).  
Answer question 2+3 on map skills page 817.  
Why are the people picture on 818 so happy? 
Read the biography of Kaisar Wilhelm II (819) who were his two cousins and his grandmother 
Read the reasons of entering the war (820), what two powers were most responsible for starting the war? Explain your answer. 
How did people show their war enthusiasm (picture 821)? 
Answer the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences or 3 bullet facts for each question.

Separate hw grade.
Read Erich Maria Remarque: All Quiet on the Western Front (828)
Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2

Monday, September 4, 2017

Week of September 4, 2017

22(1) and 22(2) are due by this Friday.

We will look at Bismarck and the unification of Germany this week, as well as what was happening in the 19th century.

Some of the questions we will discuss this week are:
How are Mr. Loranger and Mahatma Gandhi connected through civil disobedience?
What is history, when did it begin and why do we study it?
Why are we in the year 2017?


E pluribus unum

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles

For classroom discussion:
What are some major forces that impact history?

Why is nationalism a major force?
Why do many people in Plymouth like the Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics, Revolution...?
What types of things are people loyal to?

What is the rule of law?
Should the government follow the rule of law or use a policy of realpolitik?
What is the difference between an offensive and defensive war?  Can you start a defensive war?

Homework due next Friday will be posted on my blog this weekend.  I will print out the blog every Monday, and you can look it up online if you want to look at it earlier.