Read 31(5) From World War to Cold War (791-795)
Define: Iron Curtain, Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, Berlin Airlift, NATO, Warsaw Pact
Look at the fact finder (792) Which nation had over 20 million deaths and 14 million military wounded? Why do you think this nation would want to protect itself in the future?
Look at the Primary Source (793) What metaphor did Churchill coin describing Soviet control of Eastern Europe?
Look at the map on 794. What German city was divided into 4 zones? Why would Greece and Turkey be early areas for Cold War Conflicts?
Read the Berlin Airlift (795) What was Operation Vittles and Operation Little Vittles?
Answer questions 3-6 on page 795.
Complete the FDR reading for next week.
What do you think of FDR? What do you think of Doris Kearns Goodwin's writing?
Answer 4 of these 5 questions.
- Polio was a transformative experience for FDR according to Eleanor. Describe the character of FDR before and after his contracting polio. How did FDR change both physically and psychologically (mentally)?
- How did talks with FDR change his general’s behavior during WWII? How did FDR use his fireside chats? Who were these chats directed towards? Why didn’t he give a chat every week? How many fireside chats did FDR deliver in the 13+ years of his presidency? ________
- When “Doc Win the War “replaced “Doc New Deal” how did Eleanor react? Describe the relationship between Franklin and Eleanor. What was Eleanor’s role in the presidency? What caused this relationship to change? Why did some call FDR to “muzzle that wife of yours”? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Actor Gregory Peck cried as a child when he saw FDR? Why? What caused Peck to cry and why did he soon laugh? How did FDR manipulate his public persona? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- How did America react when FDR died in April 1945 one month before VE Day? Why were the people so emotional? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Totalitarian vs. Democracy
The (London) Blitz/Operation Sea lion
Operation Barbarossa
Blitzkriegearl Harbor
Date of Infamy December 7,1941
In what 2 parts of the world (theaters )did the US fight World War II?
Arsenal of Democracy
Battle of Midway
Battle of Stalingrad
Battle of El Alamein
Battle of Midway
Allies vs. Axis Countries
The Battle of the Bulge
Island Hopping
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Big Three at Allied Conferences-
Winston Churchill
Harry Truman
Joseph Stalin
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Tojo Hideki and Emperor Hirohito
Final Solution /Genocide