Sunday, November 26, 2017

Week of November 27,2017 Honors

8(3) and 8(4) are due this week as is the Medieval Timeline (test grade)

Due next week:
King John reading
   annotate the reading,
 write  pro's /cons of "T" of King John
What is the story of the Magna Carta
Write 2 Q+A for the reading

9(1)  The High Middle Ages  206-211
Identify:  exchequer, common law, jury
Who is pictured on page 206?  What did he do when his marriage was condemned?
Look at the fact finder (207)  Which event do you think had the longest lasting impact?  Why?
Look at the picture (208)  Who sat on both sides of the King?
Read the Skills Assessment (209)  Answer questions 1-3.
Look at the map on page 210.  Answer question 3.
Answer questions 3-6 on page 211 in complete sentences.

9(3)  Europeans Look Outward (215-219)
Read A Holy City (216)  What city is holy to three world religions?  Why?
Read the Skills Assessment (217)  Answer question 3.
Read The Reconquista (218)  What is the Reconquista?
Read Cause and Effect (219)  List three long term effects of the Crusades.
Answer 5,6,7 on page 219 in complete sentences.

Week of November 27, 2017 CP1 and CP2

7(3) and 7(4) are due this week as is the Medieval Timeline  (Test Grade)
Don't forget Current events

Homework due next week  8(3) and 8(4)

 8(3) The Crusades and the wider world (255-260)
Identify the terms, people, and places 
Read witness history (255) What did the Franks do to the Saracens when they captured Jerusalem?
Look at the map on page 257, answer questions #2+3. 
Look at the picture on 258, why did the Moslem leader Saladin open Jerusalem to the Christians? 
Look at the infographic on page 259, what three religions hold Jerusalem sacred?
Answer the four Checkpoint questions or questions #3-6 in complete sentences Or 3 bullets per checkpoint section    

8(4) Learning and Culture Flourish p. 262-267 
What causes cultural diffusion? (ask in class if you don't know)  Why do you think European culture and learning flourished after the Crusades? 
Identify the terms, people, and places. 
What is pictured on page 262?  
Answer the biography question about Christine de Pisan on page 263. 
Identify the four types inventions brought to Medieval Europe in the HMA shown on page 264. 
What does the Bayeaux Tapestry (picture 266-267) show? 
Answer the three checkpoint questions OR questions #3-5 on page 267 or 3 bullets for each 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Week of November 20, 2017 Honors, CP1 and CP2

We will be working on an accurate Medieval timeline.  I will pass out graph paper in class and begin work.  This will be graded as a quiz.
Honors class will also be assigned a reading on MLK and J Edgar Hoover 
    Medieval Timeline  476 CE- 1453 CE/1517                  
Low Middle Ages or ________________  Ages  500CE -1100CE
High Middle Ages    1100-1350 CE  
476 AD  Official Fall of _________________
570-632  Life of _______________________, founder of Islam
622  ___________________, Mohammed’s holy flight from Mecca to Medina
600- 800  Irish________________  Age
732  Battle of Tours, Charles Martel defeats  _______________, European Muslims
800-1000   _________________  invaders from Scandinavia ravage Europe
800 Coronation of Charlemagne by _________  Leo III.  The beginning of Holy Roman
     Empire (1st Reich)
843  Treaty of ____________________  Charlemagne’s empire split into 3 parts
988  Prince Vladimir converts Kiev (Ukraine) to Orthodox _____________________ St. Cyril and Methodius sent by Byzantine Emperor invent _______________ alphabet to  
      translate Bible into Russian language
1054  The ____________ of the Christian Church between Roman Catholic and Greek
     Orthodox Church
1066 The Norman ____________________ of England, William the __________________
     becomes. William the _____________________
1095 Pope Urban II calls the 1st ______________________ to save the Holy Land from Muslim control and reunite the  Church
              8 Crusades 1096-1291
The crusades in 1096, 1146, 1309 witnessed mass killing of ___________ along Rhine
1100’s Champagne trade fairs, High ____________ Ages begin (growth of trade)

1204 Venetian trading rivals sack ___________________ in the 4th Crusade
1215 King John signs the Magna ________________ protecting nobles’ rights.  Era of 
      common law and rule of law emerges in England.
1240 Mongols capture and destroy ______________, Mongols crush Kiev and rule Russia
     for 200 years
1240-1368  Mongol domination of Eurasia  It is referred to as the Mongol ___________
1275 Marco _________ visits China, ruled by Kubla Khan (Genghis Khan’s grandson)
1291  ___________ forces seize Acre, the last Christian stronghold, ______________ end
1300- Renaissance spirit emerges among Northern _____________  city states
1337 Start of the 100 Years War  between _________________ and France
100 Years War  1337-1453
1341 Petrarch become 1st poet __________________  since fall of Rome,  Renaissance
   Renaissance or Early  ______________  Period 1350-1650
1348  New outbreaks of Bubonic __________________ (Black Death) in Europe.
 Massive pogroms occur in Europe as ___________are blamed for poisoning wells 

1450 Johann Gutenberg ____________ printed,  movable ____________ invented.
1452  Leonardo da Vinci born in ____________________, Italy (near Florence)
1453 Constantinople falls to Ottoman  ________________  and  Byzantine Empire ends.
1453  End of the 100  Years War between England and ________________, home of Joan 
      of Arc
1475 Michelangelo born in ___________________, Italy
1492 Columbus sails from Spain and ____________________ New World (Americas)
1517  Martin Luther  nails his ____  __________________  on Church door in
     Wittenberg, Germany

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Week of November 13, 2017 Honors

FDR reading is due Wednesday

8(3) The Medieval Church   Read pages 191-196
Define:  sacrament, title, secular, papal supremacy, canon law, excommunication, interdict, simony, friar, antisemitism
Read Geoffrey Chaucer's description of a parish priest (191)  Is it a positive or a negative description?  Explain
Look at the map Spread of Christianity (192)  answer questions #2+3
What is pictured on page 193?  Where was it written?  Why do you think it was thrown in a bog?
Read "You are there" (194)  List three facts about life in a monastery
Who is pictured on page 195.  What type of early life did Francis lead?
What is pictured on page 196?  Why was this plate decorated so elaborately?
Answer questions 3-6 on page 196.

8(4) Economic expansion and change  Read pages 197-201.
Identify:  charter, capital, partnership, bill of exchange, tenant farmer, middle class, usury, guild , apprentice, journeyman, master
Read Geography and history (197)  How did the glove maker die?  Why did this happen?
Look at the map on page 198.  What does this illustrate?  Why do you think trade increased during this time?
Read connections to today (199)  List two medieval trade ideas used in business today.
What is pictured on page 200?  What are the artisans making?
Read the primary source (201)  What did London youth do in the winter?
Answer questions 3,4,5 on page 201.

Week of November 13, 2017 CP1 + CP2

7(3) The Medieval Church  Read pages 225-230
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Answer the Thinking Critically questions on page 227, 
Answer the biography question on St. Francis of Assisi on page 229, 
Answer preserving Jewish Culture on page 230. 
· Answer the three checkpoint questions OR questions 3,4,5 on page 230 in complete sentences or 3 bullets for each section

Chapter 7(4) Economic Recovery Sparks Change. Read pages 231-236  
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Answer map skills questions #1+2 on page 232. 
Answer the primary source question on page 233, and the question on Medieval Advertising on the picture on page 235. 
Why should ice hockey players be interested in the primary source on page 236?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR answer questions #3-6 on page 236 or three bullets for each.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Week of November 6, 2017 Honors

FDR reading is due next Wednesday

We begin our study of the Middle Ages next week.  How did the Middle Ages get their name?

8(1) The Early Middle Ages (182-185)
Identify medieval, missi dominici, curriculum
Look at the map on page 184  Answer question #2 on Skills Assessment (184)
 Read Did you know? (185) Describe Valhalla.  How did a Viking get there when he died?
Answer questions  #1, 3, 4, 5 on page 185.

8(2)  Feudalism and the Manor Economy (186-191)Read the feudal contract on page 188.  Answer Skills Assessment #1+2.  Why do you think feudalism so complicated?  Who did you owe allegiance to?
Read the biography of Eleanor of Aquitaine?  Who did she marry?  What countries came into conflict because of her marriages?
Look at the painting on page 190.  What is the building in the background on the top left?  Why do you think this view of peasant life is idealistic and not realistic?
Answer questions 3,4,5 on page 190 in complete sentences.

Week of November 6, 2017 CP1 and CP2

We begin our study of the Middle Ages next week.   How did the Middle Ages get its name?

 Chapter 7: The Rise of Europe 500 AD-1300 AD
Read 7(1) The Early Middle Ages (214-218), 
· Identify the terms, people, and places listed on page 214. 
· Answer the Focus Question on page 214, 
· Map Skills question #3 on page 215, 
Map Skills question #2 on page 217. 
· Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR answer #3,4,5 on page 218 in complete questions or 3 bullets for each section

7(2) Feudalism and the Manor Economy (219-224)
· Identify the terms, people, and places.
· Answer the focus question on page 219.
Answer Thinking Critically questions 1+2 on page 221, 
Answer the biography question on Eleanor of Aquitaine on page 222. 
Answer the question on the picture Back Breaking Labor, page 224.
Also, answer the three checkpoint questions OR questions # 3,4,5 on page 224 in complete sentences or 3 bullets for each section