Monday, May 28, 2018

Week of May 28, 2018

Honors reading on Lincoln is due Thursday.

Here is your chance to catch up on the Industrial Revolution Bookwork this week.

No new book work is assigned for this week.

The DBQ's on the IR will also be due by Friday.

Be ready for a quiz on the Industrial Revolution this week

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Week of May 21, 2018 Honors

We wrap up Napoleon and the impact of the French Revolution
and move onto Industrialization and New Imperialism

You will be getting three readings on Abraham Linclon this week
Annotate them and list
 Author's name and title
   list 5 facts from each along with the page number
   identify the author's basic thesis.  Is the author is a historian or comes from another field in social science. Are they a supporter or opponent of Lincoln's legacy?
Due next Monday

Homework due next week
23(3)  Unifying Italy  (577-580)
Read the primary source (577) Why do you think that Giuseppe Mazzini was called the heart of Italian unification?  What realization did he come to about a divided Italy?

Look at the picture on 578. What color shirts did Garibaldi's troops wear?  Why do you think he is called the sword of Italian unification?

Look at the map of the Unification of Italy.  Count Cavour was the Prime Minister of Piedmont/Sardinia.  Why do you think he is called the head of Italian unification?  Which of the Italian states led the unification movement?

Read Vatican City (580) What religious leader headed and still leads the Vatican City today?  Why do you think he was originally opposed to unification of Italy? What happened to his political power?

Answer 4 of the first 5 questions on page 580.

Week of May 21, 2018 CP1 and CP2

We wrap up Napoleon the French Revolution and move on to the Industrial Revolution and New Imperialism

Due next week
24(2) The Partition of Africa (754-760)
Choose 5 terms, people, and places to identify
Read the letter from Chief Machemba (witness history) what does he offer to give to Herman von Wissman? 
Read the caption to the picture on page 755?  How many men were in Cetshwayo's  Zulu army?
What is pictured on page 756?   What did missionaries bring to Africa?
Look at the two maps on 757?  What happened in Africa between 1850 and 1914?
Read the biography of Cecil Rhodes (758) How did Rhodes make his money? What is Rhodes holding in the picture? 
Read the biography of Menelik II (759) How was Menelik able to defeat the Italians at Adowa?
Look at the picture on page 760.  Why do you think the man seated next to the king is dressed so well?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences or 3 bullet facts/ section

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Week of May 14, 2018 Honors

This week we wrap up Napoleon and his influence of nationalism on Europe.  We will then focus on Klemens von Metternich of Austria and see how he tried to stamp out nationalism and restore the old order, but was unable to do so.   Finally we will see how Otto von Bismarck used industrialization and nationalism to unify Germany.

20(1) and 20(2) are due by Friday

20(3) Hardships of Early Industrial Life (505-509)
1. Identify  urbanization, tenement, labor union
2.Read the J.P. Kay quote on page 595, what were two problems in the industrial cities?
3. List three adjectives which describe the picture on page 506. 
4. Read Spinning Thread (507) Identify three problems of work in the factory. 
5. What was the Peterloo Massacre of 1819? (508)  What battle was it named after?
6. What does the primary source on page 509 urge Bourgeois women to do?
7. Answer 4 of the 7 questions on page 509 (NOT including #2)

20(4) New Ways of Thinking (510-513)
Identify Utilitarianism, socialism, means of production, communism, proletariat
Read the Adam Smith biography (510) What travels helped shape his work?
What does the picture on page 511 show?
Read Connections to today (512) What type of community did Robert Owen establish?  Where do these communities exist today? 
Read the primary source on Marx and Engels (513). How do they describe how the worker is treated? 
Answer 4 of the 7 questions on 513 (not including number 2)

Week of May 14, 2018 CP1 and CP2

This week we wrap up Napoleon and his influence of nationalism on Europe.  We will then focus on Klemens von Metternich of Austria and see how he tried to stamp out nationalism and restore the old order, but was unable to do so.   Finally we will see how Otto von Bismarck used industrialization and nationalism to unify Germany.

Homework due next week: 
24(1) The New Imperialism, Building Overseas Empires (749-753)
Identify five of  the terms, people, places
Read Witness History (White Man's Burden) What do you think Kipling is saying in his poem?
List the 4 motives for New Imperialism listed in bold print on page 751.
Look at the picture on page 751, What are gold mines for tomorrow?
Look at the picture on page 752, what did Sir Hiram Maxim invent?  Draw it.
Read Chief Kabongo's account (opposing imperialism 752) Who do you think was the King of the Pink Cheek?
Look at the picture on page 753, who was playing polo? Is anyone missing (are all Indians allowed to play?)
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences or list 3 bullet facts/section


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Week of May 7, 2018 Honors

May 8th is V-E Day.  What happened on this day in 1945?
Don't forget current events.

We  wrap up the French Revolution and Napoleonic Era this week.  Be ready for a quiz on Thursday.

Chpt 19(1) -(5) is past due this week.

Book work for next week:
20(1) The Industrial Revolution begins 496-500
What do the four pictures show on pages 496-7?
Why was the I.R. a turning point in history? (498)
Look at the pictures on 499.  What revolution preceded the I.R.?
Read Biography (499)  Why is James Watt considered the father of the I.R.?  Whose engine did he improve?
Answer 5 of the 7 questions on page 500.

20(2) Britain leads the way  (501-504)
What four conditions existed in Britain to make it the leader of the I.R.? (501-2)
Answer questions 2+3 on the skills assessment (502)
Answer questions 1+2 on the Skills Assessment (503)
Read Geography and History (504) What man made waterway did railroads displace?  Why?
Answer 5 of the 7 questions on page 504.

Week of May 7, 2018 CP1 and CP 2

May 8th is V-E Day.  What happened on this day in 1945?

19(1) and 19(2) are past due  19(3) is due Friday

19(4) is due next week.  Don't forget current events
We  wrap up the French Revolution and Napoleonic Era this week be ready for a quiz at the end of the week.

19(4) New Ways of Thinking   (622-626)
Identify the terms, people, and places 
Read the Witness to history (622). What metaphor did Marx  and Engels use to describe how owners viewed workers?
Read the caption to the picture (p.623) why did Malthus think workers should have fewer children?
Read Owen’s Utopia (624), How did Owens want workers treated at his factory in New Lanark, Scotland?
Look at the picture on page 626, what was Karl Marx’ motto?  Why do you think he wanted this?
Answer four of the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences  OR  identify 3 facts from EACH section.