We will be in the learning commons on Monday working on our history day project.
Assignment #2 is due this week.
Also, don't forget current events, three sets are due this term. I will take late work until Friday afternoon.
Book work due next week.
29(3) The Allies Turn the Tide (939-945)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read Witness history (939) why did WWII become a total war for the US?
Read the infographic (941) identify three new WWII technologies and explain how they were used to win the war.
Read the three biographies on page 944, identify each of the 3 Allied leaders, their country and two facts about the leaders from each reading.
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences or 3 bullets for each section.
Separate homework grade:
Read D-Day 946-7, answer the three thinking critically questions on page 947
29(4) Victory in Europe and the Pacific (948-951) Identify the terms, people, and places.
Draw the shape of the nuclear cloud on page 950.
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences or three bullet facts per section.