Monday, April 29, 2019

Week of April 29,2019 CP1 and CP2

We will start our salon this week.  Participation and analysis will be graded as a quiz grade.

 Homework due this week 19(3) and 19(4)

Homework due next week 19(5)  The End of an Era  (488-493)
Read Biography Napoleon (488)  How do you think nepotism (favoring relatives) helped to cause nationalism in Europe?
Look at Goya painting the 3rd of May (489). Who the man in the white shirt represent?  Why do the Spanish have no faces?
Read Geography and history (490) What weather event helped defeat Napoleon at Waterloo?
Bullet 4 facts about Napoleon's defeat at Moscow in 1812.  (p.491)
Look at the Map on page 492.  What event does this show?  Answer question #3
Who is pictured on page 493?  What Congress did he head in 1815?
Answer 5 of the 7 questions on page 493.

20(1) The Industrial Revolution begins 496-500
What do the four pictures show on pages 496-7?
Why was the I.R. a turning point in history? (498)
Look at the pictures on 499.  What revolution preceded the I.R.?
Read Biography (499)  Why is James Watt considered the father of the I.R.?  Whose engine did he improve?
Answer 5 of the 7 questions on page 500.

Week of April 29,2019 Honors

We will start our salon this week.  Participation and analysis will be graded as a quiz grade.

The Coffee reading is due on Wednesday

Book work for this week
19-3 and 19-4

Book homework for next week:
19(1)Dawn of the Industrial Revolution (608-611)
Identify 5 of the terms, people, and places.Read Witness history (608). What type of power emerged in the Industrial Rev.?  Who improved the steam engine and why was this important?What does the bar graph on page 609 show?  Why might this be important?Draw Jethro Tull's seed drill on page 609.Answer the biography question on James Watt on page 610. What did Watt improve?Look at the picture on 611.  Why is this important?Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences or list 3 bullet points from each section. 
19(2) Britain Leads the Way (612-615)
Identify  5 of the terms, people, and places.
Read the witness history on page 612 and  answer the focus question.
Answer map skills questions 2+3 on page 613.
Identify and draw one invention on page 614.
What does the textile industry make?
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences or list 3 bullet points from each section.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Week of April 22, 2019 CP1 and CP2

19(1) and 19(2) are due this Friday.

 We will discuss these questions in our class Salon:
1. How did the Scientific Revolution lead to the Enlightenment?
2.  Why were scientists originally called Natural Philsophers? 
3. Is man's nature good or evil?    If man is good why does evil exist? 
4. Can man be trusted to govern?  What would the speakers in our salon say?
5. What is the best form of government?  Why?   

Due next Friday
19(3)  Radical Days  (478-483)
Read Did You Know 478).  What is the origin og Madame tussasaud's Wax Museum?
Read Analyzing Primary Sources (479) Answer questions 1,2,3
Read the Biography of Robespierre (480)  How did Robespierre's upbringing help make him a  radical?  
Look at the picture on 481. Why do you think Robespierre thought terror was justified?
Look at the primary source on 483.  What was the role of the Marseillaise? Who sang it, loyalists or radicals? 
Answer 5 of the 7 questions on page 483

19(4) The Age of Napoleon Begins (484-487)
What event on Napoleon's life (fact finder 484) made him a hero of the Republic?  Explain
Look at the picture on page 485.  Why is it significant that the pope is seated? Who is crowning Josephine?
Look at the Skills Assessment (486)   Answer question #3.
Answer 5 of the 7 questions on page 487.

Week of April 22, 2019 Honors

1. How did the Scientific Revolution lead to the Enlightenment?
2.  Why were scientists originally called Natural Philsophers? 
3. Is man's nature good or evil?    If man is good why does evil exist? 
4. Can man be trusted to govern?  What would the speakers in our salon say?
5. What is the best form of government?  Why? 

18(1) and 18(2) are due this Friday
Due next week
Coffee reading- Wednesday
Due next Friday
18(3)Radical Days of the Revolution (585-591) 
Identify the terms, people and places.

Read The Engine of Terror, what metaphorically was the "day's wine" for the guillotine?

Read the two account of the Execution of a King (Louis XVI p.586). Why does Marat want to execute the king? List three reasons.
How does the London Times portray the Revolution?

Read the Robespierre biography (p.587) list three events in his life that would explain why he disliked Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

Draw a guillotine (588) Read the six captions (pictures p.587-88) list one fact from each picture.

Look at the picture on page 590: was is La Marseillaise?

Look at the painting of Napoleon on page 591, which side of the French Revolution did the painter, David, agree with: The monarchy or the Revolutionaries?  Why?

Answer the four checkpoint questions  or list 3 facts for each  section  

Homework due the week after vacation:
18(4)  The Age of Napoleon
Identify the terms, people and the places
Read Witness History (592) Describe France after the Revoltion in three words.
How did Napoleon come to power in 1799?  What did he offer France?
Look at the map on p.595:  Which Russian city marked the end of  Napoleon's march east?  Does this remind you of any 20th century dictators blitzkrieg?  Who?  Why? 
Read the primar source (596)  bullet two effects of Napoleon's march into Russia? 
Answer the checkpoint questions in complete sentences or bullet 3 facts for each checkpoint section.