Honors reading on George Washington will be assigned this week, it will be due in two weeks.
18(3) and 18(4) are due by Friday.
18(3) and 18(4) are due by Friday.
Also complete the following book questions for next Friday:
Review the quick Study Guide on page 602.
Complete the Chapter Assessment (604) Answer questions #1-10 (all the matching, one word answers)
Answer these questions in complete sentences:#11,14,15,18,
Homework due at the end of next week
19(1)Dawn of the Industrial Revolution (608-611)
Identify 5 of the terms, people, and places.
Read Witness history (608). What type of power emerged in the Industrial Rev.? Who improved the steam engine and why was this important?
What does the bar graph on page 609 show? Why might this be important?
Draw Jethro Tull's seed drill on page 609.
Answer the biography question on James Watt on page 610. What did Watt improve?
Look at the picture on 611. Why is this important?
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. .
19(1)Dawn of the Industrial Revolution (608-611)
Identify 5 of the terms, people, and places.
Read Witness history (608). What type of power emerged in the Industrial Rev.? Who improved the steam engine and why was this important?
What does the bar graph on page 609 show? Why might this be important?
Draw Jethro Tull's seed drill on page 609.
Answer the biography question on James Watt on page 610. What did Watt improve?
Look at the picture on 611. Why is this important?
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. .
Questions for discussion, quiz later in the week:
1. There are three forms of national government: union, confederation, federation (federal), what are the strengths and weaknesses of each?
2. Which type of government is the US?
3. Are we a direct democracy or a republic? What is the difference?
4. Which came first: the American or French Revolution? 5. Which American was sent a key to the Bastille? Why?