Monday, March 9, 2020

March 9th videos

World History

First video

Show the story of all of us: Pioneers

2nd video  Revolutions

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Week of March 9, 2020 Honors

The G.W. reading is due on Thursday
Be ready for a quiz on the French Revolution also on Thursday.
Don't forget current events. 

19(1) and 19(2) are due by Monday next week. 

Book work due at the end of next week.

19(3) Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution. (616-620) 
Identify the terms, people, and places. 
Read Witness history on page 616 and answer the focus question. 
Look at the graph on page 617, describe the population trend from 1750-1900.
Who is pictured working on page 619? Why is this sad? 
What benefit of industrialization is pictured on page 620? 
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences  OR list three bullet facts from each of the four sections 

19(4) New Ways of Thinking   (622-626)
Identify the terms, people, and places 
Read the Witness to history (622). What metaphor did Marx  and Engels use to describe how owners viewed workers?
Read the caption to the picture (p.623) why did Malthus think workers should have fewer children?
Read Owen’s Utopia (624), How did Owens want workers treated at his factory in New Lanark, Scotland?
Look at the picture on page 626, what was Karl Marx’ motto?  Why do you think he wanted this?
Answer four of the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences  OR  identify 3 facts from EACH section.

Week of March 9, 2020 CP1 and CP2

This week we wrap up the French Revolution and Napoleon and his influence of nationalism on Europe.  
Be ready for a quiz on the French Rev. later this week.
Do not forget current events

20(1) and 20(2) are due by  this Friday
Homework due by the end of next week

20(3) Hardships of Early Industrial Life (505-509)
1. Identify  urbanization, tenement, labor union
2.Read the J.P. Kay quote on page 595, what were two problems in the industrial cities?
3. List three adjectives which describe the picture on page 506. 
4. Read Spinning Thread (507) Identify three problems of work in the factory. 
5. What was the Peterloo Massacre of 1819? (508)  What battle was it named after?
6. What does the primary source on page 509 urge Bourgeois women to do?
7. CP1 answer questions 3,4, 5  on page 504 in complete sentences

20(4) New Ways of Thinking (510-513)
1.Identify Utilitarianism, socialism, means of production, communism, proletariat
2. Read the Adam Smith biography (510) What travels helped shape his work?
3. What does the picture on page 511 show?
4. Read Connections to today (512) What type of community did Robert Owen establish?  Where do these communities exist today? 
5. Read the primary source on Marx and Engels (513). How do they describe how the worker is treated? 
6. CP1 answer questions 3,4,5 on page 513 in complete seentnces

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Week of March 2, 2020 CP1 and CP2

This week we look at the French Revolution and  the age of Napoleon.

Be ready for a quiz on the French Rev. later this week.

Book work due at the end of next week

20(1) The Industrial Revolution begins 496-500
What do the four pictures show on pages 496-7?
Why was the I.R. a turning point in history? (498)
Look at the pictures on 499.  What revolution preceded the I.R.?
Read Biography (499)  Why is James Watt considered the father of the I.R.?  Whose engine did he improve?

Answer questions 1+2 on page 500
CP1 answer quetstons 3,4,5 on pshr 500

20(2) Britain leads the way  (501-504)
What four conditions existed in Britain to make it the leader of the I.R.? (501-2)
Answer questions 2+3 on the skills assessment (502)
Answer questions 1+2 on the Skills Assessment (503)
Read Geography and History (504) What man made waterway did railroads displace?  Why?
Answer questions 1+2 on page 504

CP1 answer questions 3,4,5 on page 504 in complete sentences

Week of March 2 , 2020 Honors

This week we look at the French Revolution and  the age of Napoleon.
Be ready for a quiz on the French Rev. later this week.

GW reading due next  Wednesday  (I have purchased an audio book reading of this chapter if you wish to stay after school this Thursday I will play the chapter)
15 facts from the whole reading wth page numbers, or annotate reading
Q+A must add to at least 10 points
Paragraph reacting to Collier brothers
Paragraph summing up your view of GW.  Do you believe he is over or under rated by Americans?

Homework due at the end of next week 
19(1)Dawn of the Industrial Revolution (608-611)
Identify 5 of the terms, people, and places.
Read Witness history (608). What type of power emerged in the Industrial Rev.?  Who improved the steam engine and why was this important?
What does the bar graph on page 609 show?  Why might this be important?
Draw Jethro Tull's seed drill on page 609.
Answer the biography question on James Watt on page 610. What did Watt improve?
Look at the picture on 611.  Why is this important?
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
19(1)Dawn of the Industrial Revolution (608-611)
Identify 5 of the terms, people, and places.
19(2) Britain Leads the Way (612-615)
Identify  5 of the terms, people, and places.
Read the witness history on page 612 and  answer the focus question.
Answer map skills questions 2+3 on page 613.
Identify and draw one invention on page 614.
What does the textile industry make?
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences or list 3 bullet points from each section.