Monday, March 30, 2009

March 30, 2008

Chapter 26, World War I and the Russian Revolution (814-849)

Current Event due this week- Week 1

Due Wednesday- 26(1) The Great War Begins p. 816-821
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Kick back the questions.
Also, identify the terms, people and places listed on page 816.
Answer questions 1,2,3 on page 817.

Due Thursday-26(2) A New Kind of War p. 822-827
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
Also, answer questions 1,2,3 on page 823 and questions 1+2 on page 825.

Due Friday - 26(3) Winning the War p. 829-833. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Look at eh propaganda poster of the woman and child on page 830. What emotions does the poster appeal to? Also, answer the question on Edith Cavell on page 831 and the "Over There" question on page 832.

Due Tuesday- (April 7th) 26(4)Making the Peace p.834-838.
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also, answer the two Thinking Critically questions on page 835. Answer the 3 map skill questions on page 837.

Due Wednesday- 26(5) Revolution and Civil War in Russia. p. 839-845.
Answer the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Answer the Tsar's Downfall question on page 840 and the biography questions on page 841.

Due Thursday- Answer the Thinking Critically questions on page 843.
Also andswer teh lTerms, poeple and places questions 1-6 on page 848. Also, answer 5 questions of your choice #7-19 on page 848.

WWI and Russian Revolution test next Friday.

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