Monday, November 2, 2009

Week of November 2, 2009

Due this week

Finish the Document Based Assement questions for the causes of WWI.
Identify the top four causes of WWI and assess each countries blame.
Be ready for a WWI quiz on Friday on book material and classroom review.

Due next Monday-
Book work: 28(1) Post War Social Changes, p. 884-889 . Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
Also-Read the biography on page 888, and answer the question on Marie Curie.
Look at the Abstract art on page 889. Answer the analyzing art question with the picture

28(2) The Western Democries Stumble, p.891-897. Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

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