Monday, December 20, 2010

December 20, 2010

Happy Holiday Week

Due on Thursday is your paper on the best way to coach a team or teach a class or raise a child or...
You have to show me that you understand Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism.

On Monday we are going to take a look at North Korea and China today.

We will look at the journeys of Marco Polo to China and the Mongol empire this week.
Genghis Kahn may not be the best holiday figure, but he will be a focus this week.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Week of December 13, 2010

The Homework assigned last week on China is due this Tuesday and Wednesday.

Paper due next Tuesday(12/21):
What is the best way to (choose one) coach a team, teach a class, raise a family, babysit young children (any relationship where a power difference exists):
Confucianism, Daoism, or Legalism. Be able to explain whether these would work better in the short or the long term.

In Monday's class we will look at the impact of the Magna Carta on Western Civilization and what was going on in China at the same time.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week of December 6, 2010

We will continue to look at William the Conqueror and the Norman Conquest of England this week. Also we will review the end of the High Middle Ages and the transition into the Renaissance period (1350-1650). Homework this week will focus on the role of the Chinese on European development.

Due Thursday:

3(4)Rise of Civilization in China (92-100)
Identify the terms, people, and places. Read about Dynastic Rule in China (95) How did a dynasty lose and then regain the mandate of heaven?
Read the biography and the 3 sayings of Confucius (97). List 4 adjectives which describe Confucius' teachings. Draw the yin and yang symbol (98). Answer the two thinking critically questions on page 99. Answer questions #3-6 on page 100.

12(1)Two Golden Ages in China 366-375). Identify the terms, people and places. Read the report on Kublai Khan's fleet (367). How did the Japanese stop a Mongol invasion of Japan in both 1274 and 1281? Identify the three Chinese inventions listed on page 370. Describe the woman's shoes pictured on page 372. Answer questions 4-6 on page 374 in complete sentences.

12(2) the Mongol and Ming Empires.(376-382) Identify the terms, people and places. Answer the biography question on page 377. Answer Thinking Critically questions 1+2 on page 379. Answer question #3 onpage 380. Answer questions #3-5 on page 382.

Be ready for a short quiz on Tuesday and a longer quiz on Friday on material covered in class this week.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week of November 22, 2010

This half week would be a good chance to catch up on missing homework, especially current events.

We will look at Chapter 8, the High Middle Ages (1050-1450) this week.
Due Wednesday:
8(1)Royal Power Grows (244-249)
Identify the terms, people, and places. Answer the biography question on William the Conqueror on page 245. Answer the Chart Skills question on the Evolution of the English Government on page 247. Answer questions 2+3 onpage 248. Answer questions #3-6 on page 249 in complete sentences.

Answer Thinking Critically questions 1+2 on page 250 on the Magna Carta on a separate sheet of paper.

Due next Tuesday: (November 30)
8(2) The Holy Roman Empire and the Church:
Identify the terms, people, and places. Answer the question on the picture on page 253 about Frederick Barbarossa. Answer questions #3-6 on page 254.

8(4) Learning and Culture Flourish p. 262-267
Identify the terms, people, and places. Answer the biography question about Christine de Pisan on page 263.
Identify the four types of Medieval inventions shown on page 264.
Answer questions #3-6 on page 267.

Due next Wednesday (Dec. 1)
8(5): A Time of Crisis (269-273)
Identify the terms, people, and places. Answer Map Skills questions #2+3 on page 271. Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 272. Answer questions #3-5 on page 273.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week of November 15, 2010

Friday's in class essay has been moved to Monday.
This is Current Event week #2. We will be working on a CE story on the Wednesday half day.

This week we will focus on the Western Religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

10(1) was assigned last week.
Due by Wednesday.
Read the primary source reading on the Quran (Koran) on page 309. Answer Critical Thinking questions #1-3

Due Thursday-
10(2): Building a Muslim Empire (310-316)two separate h.w. grades
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read the caption with the Dome of the Rock on page 311. Answer the question with the picture. Look at the picture on 312. What is a whirling dervish? Answer the question with the picture on a Jewish apothecary in Spain on page 313. Answer the questin on the biography on page 314. Answer the Spread of Islam questions #2+3 on page 315.
Answer questions #3,4,5 on page 316.

Due Friday 10(3) Muslim Civilizations Golden Age 317-323
Identify the terms,people, and places. Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 321. Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 323. Explain how Arabic numerals (picture 322) in Eastern Muslim Regions differed from Modern Western Arabic numerals. Who most likely brought Arabic numerals to Europe?
Answer questions #3-5 on page 322.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Crusades: Cresent and the Cross

Monday, November 8, 2010

Week of November 8, 2010

Homework assigned last week, 8(3) and 7(4) were counted as extra credit for last term, but will be counted as regular homeworks for this term and are due by Wednesday. They will count towards the homework average for this term.

Thursday is Veterans Day. The 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour (Nov. 11, 1918)the Armistice that ended The Great War (WWI) was signed. The Great War was so terrible that it was viewed as "the war to end all wars" so the day was celebrated as Armistice Day. Today we celebrate this day as Veterans Day to honor the sacrifices of all veterans who have in the past or are today protecting American liberty. You will see poppy flowers being sold in honor of the veterans. These flowers were in the fields of Flanders (Belgium) on the western front in WWI.

This week we will focus on the Middle Ages and the impact of the Crusades.

Homework due by Friday is 10(1) The Rise of Islam (p.304-309)
Identify the terms, people, and places. Read the Infographic on page 307 and answer questions #1+2. Also, answer questions #3-6 on page 308 in complete sentences.

We will be working on a Medieval timeline this week in class as well as an essay on the Muslim reaction to the Crusades that will be due by Friday.

Current Event week #1 will be due by next Monday.

Please come after school to work on your homework if you are having problems completing the book work. I am after school almost every day, and will be glad to help anyone who needs it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Week of November 1, 2010

CP 1's Friday's quiz on the Fall of Rome will be taken on Monday. We went through the questions on Friday. Also, the 10 Causes of the Fall of Rome handout is due for the quiz. The Accelerated class had a separate reading assignment in place of this quiz.

After the quiz on Monday we will review the three state ballot questions. Mid-term Federal and State elections are on Tuesday.

For homework this week we will finally start the Medieval period which took place after the fall of Rome in 476 CE.

Homework, 7(1), 7(2), and 7(3) already assigned will be collected for full credit by Wednesday of this week.

This homework is longer and will count as two homeworks. I realize that 8(3) is after 7(4), but the cultural diffusion of the Crusades helped to lead to an economic recovery in Europe.

Due Thursday: Chapter 8(3) The Crusades and the Wider World (p. 255-260)
Identify the terms, people, and places. Answer questions #2+3 on page 257. Answer the primary source question on page 258. Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 259. Answer questions #2-6 on page 260.

Due Friday: Chapter 7(4) Economic Recovery Sparks Change. (p. 231-236)
Identify the terms, people, and places. Answer map skills questions #1+2 on page 232. Answer the primary source question on page 233, and the question on Medieval Advertising on the picture on page 235. Why should ice hockey players be interested in the primary source on page 236. Answer questions #3-6 on page 236.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Week of October 25, 2010

Note: This Wednesday is a half day of school. The Accelerated reading on wine is due.
This is also week five for current events.

On Monday we will look at a video on Attila the Hun. Make sure you complete the classroom assignment.

On Tuesday we will look at PERSIA EM and the fall of Rome in 476.

Homework for the week.
Make sure that 7(1) assigned last week is completed.

Due by Friday:
7(2) Feudalism and the Manor Economy (219-224)
Identify the terms,people, and places.
Answer the focus question on page 219. Answer Thinking Critically questions 1+2 on page 221, the biography question on Eleanor of Aquitaine on page 222. Answer the question on the picture Back Breaking Labor, page 224. Also answer question 3,4,5 on page 224 in complete sentences.

7(3) The Medieval Church (225-230)
Identify the terms, people, and palces.
Answe the Thinking Critically questions on page 227, and the biography question on St. Francis of Assisi on page 229, and preserving Jewish Culture on pge 230. Answer questions 3,4,5 on page 230 in complete sentences.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week of October 17, 2020

This week we will review the rise of the Roman Republic, how the Roman Republic turned to empire by 27 BC and the Roman Empire's fall by 476 AD.

We will also focus answering questions with:
(1)Answer, (2) Evidence (from text), (3)Explaination of Answer

The homework for last week 5(3), 5(4), 5(5) is due before Wednesday.

For Thursday
The Rise of Europe 500 AD-1300 AD
Read 7(1) The Early Middle Ages (p214-218), Identify the terms, people, and places listed on page 214.
Answer the Focus Question on page 214, Map Skills question #3 on page 215, Map Skills question #2 on page 217. Answer questions #3-6 on page 218 using the answer, evidence (page number), explaination format.

Be ready for a quiz Friday on the material covered this week.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Week of October 12, 2010

Current Event Week 3 will be due by next Monday

On Tuesday we will discuss Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Civilization
Due by Friday
Look at the quick study guide on page 180. It will help with your answers.
5(3) The Roman Achievement(p. 161-165)
Identify the terms people and places. Why did Caesar forgive Cicero's criticisms? (Safety under the Law p. 161) Answer the primary source question about what can be learned from history on page 162. Answer questions 1+2 of Thinking Critically (p.163)Why do you think the bread pictured on page 163 was baked this way- we get the term "breaking bread" from this type of loaf. Answer questions 3-5 on page 165 in complete sentences.

5(4) The Rise of Christianity (p.166- 171) Identify the terms, people and places. Answer the focus question on page 166. Why do you think the Sermon on the Mount (p.168)is especially appealing to the powerless? Where is their reward? Look at the map on page 169, answer questions 2+3. Answer the biography question on St. Peter on page 170. Answer questions 3,4,5 on page 171.

5(5) The Long Decline page 173-177. Answer Thinking Critically questions 1+2 on page 175. Answer questions 3,4,5 on page 177. Write your answers in complete sentences.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Week of October 4, 2010

Week 2 Current Event is due this week. The forms are in the classroom

Due on Tuesday- handout on Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity. Questions #1-5

Due Wednesday- The Glory that was Greece, Chpt. 4 Section 4, pg. 130-135
Identify each of the terms, people, and places. Answer the biography question on Scorates on page 131. Answer the two Critically Thinking questions on page 133. And answer questions #3,4, and #6 on page 135.

Due Thursday- Alexander and the Hellenistic Age, Chpt. 4 Section 5, pg.137-142.
Identify each of the terms, people, and places. Answer Map Skills question #3 on page 138. Answer Thinking Critically questions #1 + #2 on page 141. Answer the primary source question on page 142. Answer questions #4, #5,#6 on page 142.

Accelerated Reading on wine in the Classical world due Thursday.

Be ready for a quiz on the weeks material on Friday

Monday, September 27, 2010

Week of September 27, 2010

Week #1 Current Event will be due on Monday, Week #2 Current Event will be due next Monday.

Monday we will look at the impact of disease on Early Civilizations, some of the images will be gruesome. Be able to explain how natural selection impacted the growth or demise of civilizations. (flow chart 16 in the Flow of History)

We will begin to focus on law codes this week. We will look at Hammurabi's Code (1700 BCE. What are the three pillars on which every society stands? How do early legal codes protect the family unit? Why is this important?

Due Wednesday:
Illustrate four of the laws on the front of your paper. Only draw the illustration,list the number of the law and briefly summarize it. On the back of the sheet explain how this law leads to the stability of the civilization.

This week we will also look at Classical Greece and Rome and their role in the development of the West.

Due Thusday:
Ancient Greece (1750-133BC)Handout page 10-11. Answer questions #1-5. Make sure you kick back the questions in your answer.

Due Friday:
Ancient Rome and the rise of Christianity (509 BC- 476 AD). Be able to explain why those dates are important. Answer questions #1-5, kick back the questions #3-5.

Be ready for a weekly quiz on Friday.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week of September 24, 2010

Homework for the week

Current Event week one will be passed out on Monday. This has to be completed by next Monday. The PERSIA EM format, explained below, should be followed.
Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectual, Artistic Environmental, Military
If the current event cannot be explained using one of these terms then it is not significant.

On Monday we will look at propaganda and its role in advertising, but it is also used in historical writing.
For homework on Tuesday identify at least 5 of the 8 propaganda techniques that you see in society today.
Techniques include, but are not limited to
Bandwagon, Testimonial, Transfer, repitition, emotional words, name calling, faulty cause and effect, comparison and contrast.

Due before Thursday class:
Book work this week will be a series of review handouts on Ancient Civilizations.
Early Civilization questions #1-3 on page 3,
First Civilizations (Africa and Asia) questions #1-3 on page 5,
and Early Civilzation Questions #1-4 on page 7.

In addition, Accelerated Classes reading from World History in Six Glasses, The role of beer in early civilzations is due by Friday.
Read the chapter. List 20 facts from the reading (put page #'s in parenthesis)
Write 5 questions and answers, and one either "ah-hah" from the reading (some connection you did not see before) or one question that you cannot answer from the reading.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week of September 13, 2010

Monday we will finally be getting our textbooks, do not bring these to class every day. Keep the books at home or where ever you complete your homework. If you do not need a text, but use the online text, I will keep a copy of a book for you in class and you will not be charged $82 for a lost or damaged book should that happen.

Due by Friday- The World History Summary Sheet, pages 1146-1167

On Tuesday we will be looking at Brad Paisley's "Welcome to the Future"
how do technological inventions lead to cultural changes?

Wednesday we wrap up Neolitic changes and view significant technological changes through history until 1700 CE

THURSDAY- Camp Clark

Due by next Monday- 3 Current Events, I will be handing out the forms/format this week in class. Make sure you choose stories with significant PERSIA EM :
Political,Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectual (Science and technology), Artistic, and Environmental or Military significance.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week of September 6, 2010

We had a day off yesterday for Labor Day. For many it marks an end of summer, but what does Labor Day really celebrate? When is the actual end of summer and why would this be important for farmers?

What is the difference between a revolutionary and an evolutionary change?

This week we will be taking a look at major topics of World History.

On Tuesday we will review biological, cultural and technological evolution in world history. Your homework is ask two adults how technology has changed American or world society/culture since they were in high school. Make sure you and not the adults write the answers.

Wednesday we will take a look at male/female differences and how the hunting and gathering lifestyle may have encouraged these biological differences.
I will also pass out the class rules and current event format we will use this year.
Current Events will be due on Monday.

Thursday we will take a look at how farming changed man's cultural lifestyle. We will be getting the textbooks and you will be assigned a review guide.

Friday- we will wrap up the review guide. Be ready for a short quiz on the material covered during the week.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Open House 2010-2011 School Year

Welcome Yellow Team World History students. I am glad that you have navigated to this blog. I will post weekly homework assignments here and download some sites for you to visit and respond to during the year.
I am looking forward to this school year and hope that you are also.
Enjoy the Labor Day weekend, and I will see you on Tuesday.
Mr. Stanton

Monday, June 7, 2010

Final Exam Review Week

Final Exams
June 8th G period
June 9th E period
June 10th F period
June 11th B + D periods
June 15th A+ C periods

Due before finals
Two sets of review materials

World History, Final Exam Study Guide
Also, World History Final Exam Review 2010, pages 1146-1165

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Week of May 17, 2010

Week 7 For Current Events due on Friday

14(1) a.The Search for Spices (446-451)
Identify the Terms, People, and Places in split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

14(1) b. Answer the three Map Skills questions on page447, thinking Critically #1+2 on page 449, and the biography question on Prince Henry the Navigator on page 450.

15(1) Conquest in the Americas. (472-476) Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the four Checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also answer the two Thinking Critically Questions on page 475.

15(4) The Atlantic Slave Trade (487-490)
Identify the Terms, People, and Places in split page notes. Answer the three checkpoint questions and the two Thinking Critically question on page 489.

Due Tuesday 5/24
15(5) Effects of Global Contact (p.491-495)
Identify the Terms, People, and Places in split page notes. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Read Tulipmania on page 493. What caused the tulip bubble and why did it crash? Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 497.

Due Wednesday 5/25
16(2) France under Louis XIV (510-514)Identify the terms, people, places in split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Answer the Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 513.

Due Thursday 5/26
17(1)a. Philosophy in the Age of Reason. (544-548)
Identify the Terms, People, and Places in split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
17(1) b. Answer the two biography questions on page 546 on Voltaire and Montesquieu. Also answer The Thinking Critically questions 1+2 on page 549.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Week of May 10,2010

Current Event week 6 due by Friday

13(1)-(3) already assigned

13(4) a. Reformation Ideas Spread (428-433)
Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. 13(4) b. Answer the biography question on Elizabeth I on page 429. Map skills questions #1-3 on page 432.

13(5) The Scientific Revolution (434-438)
Identify the terms, people, places in split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Answer the Thinking Critically question #1 on page 439.

Due by Quiz Thursday (period D) Quiz Friday (E,F,)
Read the Quick Study Guide on page 440. Answer #1-5 and the odd (#6-19)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week of April 26, 2010

This is Current Event Week #4

Homework due Wednesday- (4/28)
Read the Quick Study Guide on pages 276-277
On page 278 answer matching questions #1-8 and questions 9-20 odd or even. I will assign odd/even in class.

Thursday (4/29) quiz on Chapter 8.

Home due on Friday (4/30)
13(1) The Renaissance in Italy p. 410-417
Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes and answer the four checkpoint questions in comeplete sentences.
Part II
Answer the Italian bankers question on page 412, the Map Skills questions #2+3 on page 413, Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 415 and the Quick Write question on page 416.

Homework due next Tuesday- 13(2) The Renaissance in the North p.418-421.
Identify the Terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
Part II
Answer the question on Durer on page 419, the two Thinking Critically question on page 421 and the two Thinking Critically questions on page 422.

Homework due next Thursday- 13(3) The Protestant Reformation p.423-427.
Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer questions # 3-5 on page 427.
Part II
Answer Analyzing Art questions #1+2 on page 424, the biography question on Luther on page 425, and the Chart Skills question on page 426.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Week of April 12

This is week #3 for Current Events.

Review the Quick Study Guide on page 276. Quiz this week will be on Friday, and it will be on Chapter 8 (4) + 8(5) and the Mongols.

Book work due by Thursday.

8(4) Learning and Culture Flourish p.262-267
Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also, answer the biography question on page 263 and list the four inventions explained in the picture on page 264.

8(5) A Time of Crisis (p.269-273) List the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also, answer #2+3 on page 271 and illustrate the three weapons which played a big part in the 100 Years War (picture 272).

Answer the two Thinking Critically questions on page 268.
Also, answer the three Thinking Critically questions on page 275.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Week of April 5,2010

This week is Current Event week 2.

Complete all the Chapter 8 homework assigned last week.
Some students still did not turn in last week's take home quiz. It is too late to get credit for the take home quiz unless you were absent, but the make up quiz for Chpt. 7 will be after school on Wednesday.

Home work this week.
Chapter 12 (2) the Mongol and Ming Empires (376-382)
Identify the terms, people and places in split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also, answer the biography question on Genghis Khan on page 377, and the Thinking Critically questions on page 379, and question #3 on page 380.

Material covered in class includes:
William the Conqueror and the rise of nation states.
The Crusades and its impact.
The Mongol Empire and Marco Polo.
The Bubonic Plague.

Quiz Friday on Chapter 8 and 12(2).

Monday, March 29, 2010

Week of March 29, 2010

Chapter 7 : The Rise of Europe was assigned last week.
7(4) is due on Monday
Current Event Week #1. Make sure you complete these completely each week. Include the map on the back. You can complete a second CE for extra credit each week.

This week is a short week with Passover/Good Friday off this week.
Make sure you understand why Christians call this Good Friday if Jesus was crucified this day.

Chapter 8, The High and Late Middle Ages, Years 1050-1450 (pages 244-249)
8(1a) Royal Power Grows. Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes . Answere the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
8(1b)Separate grade - answer the focus question on the witness history on page 244, the biography question on page 245, the chart skills question on page 247, and the map skills questions #2+3 on page 248.

8(2) The Holy Roman Empire and the Church (p. 251-254) List the terms,people, and places in split page notes. Answer the focus question on page 251, and the three checkpoint questions.

8(3) The Crusades and the Wider World (p. 255-260) Identify the terms, people and places in split page notes, and the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also, answer the Primary Source question on page 258 and the two Thinking Critically questions on page 259.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week of March 22, 2010

Last week was missing homework catch-up week. The term closes Friday. Get your missing work in for at least partial credit.
Current Event week is week 6.
Chapter 7 Homework for the week. 7(1)-(3) due by Friday, 7(4) due next Monday.

7(1) The Early Middle Ages 214-218 Read the section
Identify the terms, people and places-
Clovis, medieval, Franks, Charles Martel, Battle of Tours (732), Charlemagne, Magyars, Vikings
Also answer questions #1+3 on Map Skills page 215 ,Invasions of Europe, #2+3 on page 217, and the Viking Warship picture question on page 218.

7(2) Feudalism and the Manor Economy 219-224 Read the section
Identify the terms, people, and places-
feudalism, vassal, feudal contract, fief, knight, tournament, chivalry, troubadour, manor, serf.
Draw a motte and bailey castle (p. 220) and draw three weapons of Medieval warfare picture page 220-221. Read the biography of Eleanor Aquitane (222)what was unusual about her life?
Look at the picture about peasant life on page 224. The man holding the stick was the shire reeve , what was his job and what occupation takes that role today?

7(3) The Medieval Church (225-230) . Read the section.
Identify the terms, people, and places:
sacrament, Benedictine Rule, secular, papal supremacy, canon law, excommunication, interdict, friar, St. Francis of Assisi
Look at the map on page 226. Why did they choose the year 476 to list mostly Christian? What happened that year? What areas of Europe did Christianity expand after 476? What religion was most of Spain? Look at the infograph on page 227. What were three activities of the monestaries?
Read page 230, how were Jews treated in Medieval Europe?

7(4) Economic Recovery Sparks Change 231-236. Read the section.
Identify the terms, people, and places:
Charter, capital, partnership, tenant farmer, middle class, guild, apprentice, journeyman
Answer questions #2+3 on page 232. Describe what you see, hear and smell in a medieval town and city life (p. 236. )

Monday, March 8, 2010

Week of March 8, 2010

We will be wrapping up Islam and its impact and be looking at the Classical Civilizations of Greece and Rome this week.
Current Events are due for this week. It is week four.

10(3) assigned last week is due by Monday.

Book work due by Friday is:

4(4) The Glory that was Greece (130-135)
Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Do not begin an answer with a pronoun (he, it) use the noun. Also, answer the biography question on Socrates on page 131 and the two Thinking Critically question on page 133.

5(4) The Rise of Christianity (p. 166-171) Identify the terms, people and places in split page notes. Also answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

5(5) The Long Decline (173-177)
Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes and answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Be ready on Friday for a quiz on the material covered this week. The Map part of the quiz will be the 10 most populated Muslim nations.
Also, the Accelerated class should be ready this week for a quiz on the first half of the book Three Cups of Tea.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week of March 1, 2010

Current Event Week 3
Read the story which compares Chile's earthquake to Haiti's. Explain why there was relatively less damage in Chile although the earthquake was 501 times stronger (8.8 on the Richter scale vs. 7.0.)
Fridays quiz was moved to Monday(3/1)

Book work for the week. Due by Friday.
Chapter 10 Muslim Civilizations
10(1a) The Rise of Islam (304-308) Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the three checkpoint questions in completes sentences. Also, answer the focus question on page 304.

10(1b) Separate homework grade answer the two Thinking Critically questions on page 307 , the three Thinking Critically questions on page 309 and Map Skills questions 1-3 on page 315.

10(2) Building a Muslim Empire. (310-316). Identify the terms, people,and places in split page notes. Answer the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also, answer the focus question on page 310 and biography question on page 314.

10(3) Muslim Civilizations Golden Age. (317-323)
Identify the terms, people and places in split page notes. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also answer the biography question on page 320 and the two Thinking Critically questions on page 323.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week of February 22,2010

Week #1 Current Event form is due today, Week #2Current Event form is due by next Monday.

Chapter 34 Section 1; Industrialized Nations after the Cold War (p. 1096-1099) Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes, also answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also, why is Putin compared to Hitler? (p.1098)

Section 2 on Globalization is past due

Section 3: Social and Environmental Changes (1106-1113) Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Answer the question on malaria on page 1107 and the quetion on the picture on 1109.

Section 4: Security in a Dangerous World (1115-1119) Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Answer questions 2+3 on the Map Skills map on pag 1117.

Quiz on Friday on Chapter 34

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week of February 8, 2010

Accelerated Class will be getting their copy of the book Three Cups of Tea this week. Some students have read this, but we will be discussing this book in class after vacation.

Current Event Form to be Completed by Friday.
This is Week 1.

Book Work: 31(4): The Modern Middle East (p. 1032-1037) assigned last week is due today.

Due Wednesday:
33(3) China and India: Two Giants of Asia p. 1076-1080
Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

34(2) Globalization. p.1100-1104
Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Quiz on Friday:
The topic: The world since WWII

Monday, February 1, 2010

Week of February 1, 2010

Due Thursday: Complete the Primary Source reading on Vaclav Havel, page 10007, answer questions 1+2
Read the Quick Study Guide, page 1008
Answer the terms, people, places questions 1-6
Choose 5 of the 9 Main Idea questions on page 1010
Answer them in complete sentences.

Be ready for a quiz on Chapter 30 this Thursday or Friday.

Due Monday (2/8) The Modern Middle East p. 1032-1037
Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also answer questions 2+3 on the map onpage 1033. Finally, answer the Thinking Critically questions 1+2 on page 1034.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week of January 25, 2010

These sections will be due next Monday, make sure you complete the rest of the work from Chaper 30 (sections 1-3) as this will also be counted for the 3rd term.

30(4) War in Southeast Asia (992-997)
Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Also, answer the focus question on page 992, the biography question on Ho Chi Mihn on page 993 and the two thinking critically questions on page 995.
Read pages 998-999. Answer the three thinking critically questions on page 999.

30(5) The end of the Cold War. pages 1000-1006. Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Answer the 3 Analyzing Political Cartoons questions on page 1002, and the 2 Thinking Critically questions on page 1007.

This week I want you to watch at least four lessons from
go to Google
Search choose US History II for AP
Go to HST and Ike, Eisenhower, and Civil Rights Movement
Choose four that we have not viewed in class. Identify the topic, outline at least three points from the lesson. Explain the importance of this lesson to today.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Week of January 19, 2010

Today is the special election in Massachusetts to fill the vacant Senate seat of Ted Kennedy.
Why is this important enough for President Obama that he campaigned here over the weekend?

The two candidates:
Martha Coakley, Democrat
Scott Brown, Republican

Over $4.5 million has been spent in t.v. ads the past two weeks. Why?

The WWII quiz will be passed back on Wednesday.
Make-up will be Friday after school.

Look to last week's blog for book work due this week.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Week of January 11, 2010

Research project due Tuesday, January 12th

Due Wednesday:
Chapter 29 Review
Answer questions 1-6 on page 960.
Also, answer question 15-20 on page 960

WWII quiz on Thursday for D period
WWII quiz on Friday for E +F + G period

Due Tuesday (January 19)
30(1) The Cold War Unfolds (p. 966-974)
Identify each of the Terms, people, and places in split page notes.
Also, answer the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Answer the focus question on page 966, theThinking Critically #1+2 on page 971, and the question with the picture on page 973.

Due Wednesday (January 20)
30(2) The Industrialized Democracies p. 976-984.
Identify the term, people, and places in split page notes.
Also, answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Answer the biography question on MLK, Jr. on page 979. Also, answer the questions with the pictures on page 980 , 981 and 983. Kick back the questions in each of these answers.

Due Thursday (January 21) 30(3) Communism Spreads in East Asia (985-991)
Identify the terms people and places in split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
Also, answer the biography question on Mao Zedong on page 986 and the Promoting the Cultural Revolution question with the picture on page 987.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Week of January 4, 2010

Interviews due January 12.
Extra Credit MLK essay assigned before vacation due January 6, 2010.

Homework due this week.
You will be assigned review questions on Chapter 29 on Monday. This will be a group grade.
Your group answers will be due in class on Thursday.
Group 1: questions 1-6 on page 929
Group 2: questions 1-5 on page 938
Group 3: questions 1-5 on page 945
Group 4: questions 1-4 on page 951
Group 5: questions 1-6 on page 956

Book work due Wednesday-
Read the Quick Study Guide on page 958-959
Read 29(5) The End of WWII on pages 952-956. Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Also, answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Do not just rewrite the questions, but kick them back in your answer.

A second and separate homework grade : (1.) answer the focus question with the picture on page 952, (2)the chart questions on the top of page 953, and the (3) Thinking Critically questions #1+ 2 on page 957.

Be ready for a WWII quiz on Friday.