Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week of March 22, 2010

Last week was missing homework catch-up week. The term closes Friday. Get your missing work in for at least partial credit.
Current Event week is week 6.
Chapter 7 Homework for the week. 7(1)-(3) due by Friday, 7(4) due next Monday.

7(1) The Early Middle Ages 214-218 Read the section
Identify the terms, people and places-
Clovis, medieval, Franks, Charles Martel, Battle of Tours (732), Charlemagne, Magyars, Vikings
Also answer questions #1+3 on Map Skills page 215 ,Invasions of Europe, #2+3 on page 217, and the Viking Warship picture question on page 218.

7(2) Feudalism and the Manor Economy 219-224 Read the section
Identify the terms, people, and places-
feudalism, vassal, feudal contract, fief, knight, tournament, chivalry, troubadour, manor, serf.
Draw a motte and bailey castle (p. 220) and draw three weapons of Medieval warfare picture page 220-221. Read the biography of Eleanor Aquitane (222)what was unusual about her life?
Look at the picture about peasant life on page 224. The man holding the stick was the shire reeve , what was his job and what occupation takes that role today?

7(3) The Medieval Church (225-230) . Read the section.
Identify the terms, people, and places:
sacrament, Benedictine Rule, secular, papal supremacy, canon law, excommunication, interdict, friar, St. Francis of Assisi
Look at the map on page 226. Why did they choose the year 476 to list mostly Christian? What happened that year? What areas of Europe did Christianity expand after 476? What religion was most of Spain? Look at the infograph on page 227. What were three activities of the monestaries?
Read page 230, how were Jews treated in Medieval Europe?

7(4) Economic Recovery Sparks Change 231-236. Read the section.
Identify the terms, people, and places:
Charter, capital, partnership, tenant farmer, middle class, guild, apprentice, journeyman
Answer questions #2+3 on page 232. Describe what you see, hear and smell in a medieval town and city life (p. 236. )

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