Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week of October 14, 2012

Due Thursday

24(4)   The British take over India  (767-771)
Identify the terms, people, and places
Read witness history (p.767) why did the Indians call British Imperialism the Knife of Sugar ?
Read the Sepoy Rebellion (768) Why did Muslim and Hindu Sepoys ,Indian soldiers in the British army, rebel?   What did they refuse to bite?  Why?
Look at the picture on page 170. Identify three benefits of British rule in India.
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. 

24(5) China and New Imperialism (773-777)
Identify 5 of the terms, people, and places
Read Witness Hisoty (773)  Who was trading opium for tea in China in the 1800's?
Draw the British Union Jack pictured on page 773.
Read the infographic on the Taiping Rebellion (774)  What "radical" western ideas did Hon Xiuquan propose? 
Read the caption to  the picture on the Boxer Rebellion on page 776.  How many Boxers tried to drive the westerners out of China?  List three reasons Boxers revolted.
Read the biography of Sun Yixian (p.777) Where did Sun go to school?  Where was he living when he decided to join the revolt against the Chinese government? 
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Due next Tuesday (October 22, 2012)
24(3) Europen Claims in Muslim Regions (762-766)
Identify the terms, people, and places
Read Witness History (762) Why did Napoleon invade Egypt? 
Look at the picture on 763.  Who did General Pash fight for in the Crimaean War?  
Look at the infographic on page 765.  What two bodies of water does the Suez Canal connect?  What Asian colony did Britian more easily control because of the Suez Canal?
What Persian (Iranian) resource is pictured on page 766?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

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