Monday, October 5, 2009

Week of October 4, 2009

Notice the harvest moon last night and tonight. It is the first full moon after the September 21st Autumnal equinox, or the first full moon after fall begins. Farmers would work through the night by the light of the moon harvesting their crops.

Homework for the week.
Tuesday(period F)/Wed.periods D+E- the 5 paragraph esssy assigned last week on is due tommorrow. The topic is the best way to coach a team, raise a family etc.
Your essay should look something like this
Introduction- Thesis statement- state what your topic is and your choice.
Body- Paragraphs 2,3,4, -outline the benefits and drawbacks of
Taoism, Legalism, Confucianism. The fourth paragraph will be the choice that you made.
Conclusion- Wrap up your paper, restating your thesis.

Book work:
Chpt. 26(1) The Great War Begins. p 816-821
Identify the terms, people, andpalces in split page notes. Answer the the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Answer map skill questions 2+3 on page 817
Answer the question assoicated with the biography of Kaiser Wilhelm II on page 819.
Answer the question associated with Reasons for entering the war on page 820.

Chpt.26(2) A New Kind of War p. 822-827
Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes.
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
Answer the two thinking critically questins on page 825.

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