Decade Interview Project: Due January 12, 2009
Holiday vacation is the perfect time to complete this assignment.
1. Interview at least three different people.
2. You have to write the interview answers down. If you hand these out to your interview subjects and they fill the sheets out your interviews will not be accepted.
3. The interview subject has to be at least 5 years old at the beginning of the decade.
4. The decades to be completed will be the 1950's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's,2000's.
5. One decade will be completed twice. Interview your parents about the decade they graduated from high school. Also, interview your grand parents (or someone at least 20 years older than your parents about the same decade) Identify the major differences.
Don't forget the back page of the interview. What are the major changes in society?
Happy Holidays
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