Monday, December 14, 2009

Week of December 14, 2009

Due Tuesday- 29 (2) assigned last week

Due by Friday- 29(3) The Allies Turn the Tide (p. 939-945)
Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also, answer the focus question on page 939 and thinking critically question #1 on page 941.

Separate homework: Answer questions #2+3 on the map on page 943. Also, answer questions #1,2,3 on page 947.

29(4) Victory in Europe and the Pacific (948-951) Identify the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Also, answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Answere #3 on the map of the WWII in the Pacific on page 949.

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