Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week of January 24,2010

Early in the week we will review the religious, political, and economic impact of the Reformation in Europe and we will also view the Scientific Revolution which caused a giant intellectual shift.

For homework this week I would like you to complete these sections before Friday. You can turn them in any day before then.

14(3) European Footholds in South and Southeast Asia (457-460) Identify the terms, people and places listed on page 457. Read the Gunfire over Malacca (457)What technology did the Portguese use to build its empire? Look at the two pictures on page 458, how did European and Asian artists show their different perspectives about the early encounters? What is the Asian symbol of power in the painting on page 459?
Answer Questions #3-5 on page 460.

14(4) Encounters in East Asia (461-465) Read "A Jesuit in China" on page 461. List four facts about Mattteo Ricci that show his world impact. Read the infographic map on page 462-3. List items the Europeans sought from the Spice Islands, India, China, and Japan. Read the primary source on page 464. What does the Chinese Emperor wish to gain with trade from England? How does he view the English?
Answer questions #4-6 on page 465.

Answer questions on page 468 (chosen in class)

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