Monday, December 15, 2008

Week of December 15, 2008

Monday- 19(1) + 19(2) should have been completed.

Current event is due this week: Week 7

Wednesday: Field Trip to the John Hancock Hall/Theatre- What is Hancock best known for?

Assignments due by Thursday

19(3) Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution- p.616-620
Complete the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Make sure you kick back the questions and do not begin your answer with a pronoun.
Also answer questions 1+2 on page 621.

19(4) New Ways of Thinking page 622- 626 Answer the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also answer question 1+2 on page 624.

Friday- Quiz on Chapter 19.

Extra Credit- Read your non-fiction, historical fiction, biography over vacation (two weeks) and write a brief summary and be ready for an oral presentation about the book.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Reasons Americans won the Revolutionary War

Loyalists/Tories comprise 1/3 of population
- They were a majority of the population in NY, NJ, and Georgia, they were strong in the Carolinas and Pennsylvania.
-Their leaders came from the ranks of Anglican ministers, royal officials, and conservative families of the upper class (except for Virginia and New England merchants)
- They feared separation from England and the rising democracy (the mob)
- Few were put to death by the Patriots, but many wre imprisoned, tarred and feathered and had their property confiscated.
- Tens of thousands flee to Canada or England after the war.

1/3 of the population was neutral

1/3 were Radicals or Patriots
-They were mainly from the middle and lower classes (except NE , Virginia and Maryland)
-Leadership was mostly young merchants (NE) and planters (Virginia and Maryland)

The British Army had an advantage over the Continental Army because
1. it was numerically superior
2. it was better disciplined
3. it was better trained and supplied
4. it was supplemented by foreign mercenaries (German Hessians)

British disadvantages
1. 3,000 miles from England
2. it had to fight on unfamiliar terrain
3. the rebels were scattered over a large area
4. it underestimated the American forces
5. A large group in Parliament opposed the war
6. the soldiers were unenthusiastic
7. the army was poorly led

The Continental Army
1. had inadequate supplies
2. but the leadership of Washington was key
3. French support was vital

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Week of December 8, 2008

What infamous event occurred 67 years ago yesterday?

Tuesday: Quiz on the American Revolution 17(3) plus notes and questions on the Radical/Tory/Moderate debate.

Due Wednesday: Current Event (week 6) sheet -focus on an environmental or social issue affecting the US.

Due Thursday: 19(1) 608-611. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also, answer the two questions on land enclosures on page 609 (box) plus the question on James Watt (box page 610) and question #1 on page 611.

Due Friday: 19(2) 612-615. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also, answer the focus question on page 612 and question #1 on page 615.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Week of Dec. 1, 2008

Due Tuesday- Two maps completed (13 Colonies and European Enlightenment)

Due Wednesday- Current Event, focus on Mumbai, India terrorist attack

Due Thursday- Reading, The Shoemaker and the Boston Tea Party
List 10 Facts, 5 Questions and Answers, 1 Key Question (something you didn't understand) or 1 great insight

Fri- Quiz on 17(3) and the Notes from the week

Monday, November 24, 2008

November 24, 2008

Quiz on 17 (1) on Tuesday

Know these terms:
Natural law
Natural right
Social Contract
"General Will"
Laissez Faire- physiocrat Adam Smith

Which came first: the Scientific Revolution or the Enlightenment?
Why did Immanuel Kant use the term Enlightenment?

Thomas Hobbes- Leviathan
Rousseau- Social Contract
Mary Woolstonecraft
John Locke- Natural Rights
Voltaire- "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend with my last breath your right to say it", he used sarcasm to make his point

Form of Government supported by
Louis XIV
Elizabeth I

Monday, November 17, 2008

Week of November 17, 2008

Tuesday Quiz on the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution notes given on Monday

Due Wednesday: Chapter Assessment page 568
Terms people and places #1-6, Main Ideas 7-12,

Thursday/Friday- In class Philosophe debate- make sure you answer the questions given to you on Wednesday

Due Friday- Current Events

Friday, October 10, 2008

Columbus essay

How was Columbus the right person, at the right place, in the right time? What is his legacy?
Why do we have Monday off?

Accelerated Rum Reading due Friday, Oct. 10

List 10 interesting facts from the reading
5 Questions with their answers
1 point you did not understand or thought was very enlightening

16 parts, make sure you show me that you have read the whole reading, not just the first part

Friday, September 26, 2008

Accelerated Small Pox Reading

The take home quiz- Small Pox Reading questions will be due next Wednesday (10/1)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Science/History Project

Scientist/Philosopher Wanted Poster Assignment

You will be assigned one scientist/philosopher...
On a poster board you will make a "Wanted Poster":
Include: your name and identify the periods you have science and history class. You will be graded on this in two classes, so do a good job.
Scientist's name, date of birth and death, place of birth and death.
At least one quote from the scientist and an explaination of the significance of the quote.
Include a picture or illustration of the person as well as the technology or discovery for which they are known.
Why they are important? What are they remembered? What was happening in history when they made their discovery?
What impact they had on history/science/society in their time as well as today?
Include any information available about the person (family, schooling, other scientists they worked with...)
Neatness counts.
Put you full name in the top right hand corner of the poster. Include the period you have history and science class.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Mr. Stanton's Class Rules

Bring these to class each day to be successful.
1. A positive attitude- think Tigger not Eyeore
2. Hard work and good effort. Pay attention in class and contribute to the class in a positive way. Come to class prepared to work. Think What's Important Now: control the things you can control and don't worry about what you can't control.
3. Bring a three ring binder and something to write with.

Or: Class rule put in the negative (borrowed from Mr. Kulowiec)
No dining, No whining, No chillin'.

Tests/ Quizzes: 50%
Homework: 20%
Class work: 30%
Extra credit: 5%

The only extra credit given in clas is and outside reading book that has relevance to the class (almost any non-fiction or historical fiction book will be accepted.)

Extra help is available almost every day, but the day I stay until 3:00 regardless whether someone comes for extra help or not is Thursday.