Sunday, October 25, 2015

Week of October 26, 2015

The term is coming to a close and it is a good time to catch up on you missing bookwork.
Chapter 29 and 30 homework can still be turned in for full credit.

Book work due Friday:   30(2) and 30 (3)

Due Friday:
Explain these WWII terms or answer the WWII questions:
Totalitarian vs. Democracy
The (London) Blitz/Operation Sea lion   
Operation Barbarossa
Pearl Harbor 
Date of Infamy  December 7,1941
In what 2 parts of the world (theaters )did the US fight World War II?
Arsenal of Democracy
Battle of Midway
Battle of Stalingrad
Battle of El Alamein
Battle of Midway
Allies vs. Axis Countries
The Battle of the Bulge
Island Hopping
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Big Three at Allied Conferences-
Winston Churchill
Harry Truman
Joseph Stalin
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Tojo Hideki and Emperor Hirohito
Final Solution  /Genocide

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Week of October 19, 2015

Honors class has FDR reading due Friday.

We will wrap up Swing Kids this week as well as complete the Weimar election simulation that got Hitler eventually chosen as Chancellor of Germany.

Book work due next week.
30(2) The Industrialized Democracies (976-984)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
*Read the Marshall Plan (976) Why do you think the US built up Western Europe after WWII? Who were we afraid of taking over the region?
*What is pictured on page 977? What is a suburb and why did people move there?
*Look at the picture on 978. Why did long gas lines appear in the 1970's?
*Read biography on MLK (979) What issue is MLK most associated with?
*What is picture on page 981? Why rebuild Germany after WWII?
*What is pictured on page 981?
*Why are doves, small farmersand workers pictured on 983+984? What nation was rebuilding?
Answer the 4 checkpoint questions in complete sentences. 

30(3) Communism spreads to East Asia (985-991)
Identify the terms, people, and places
Look at the pictures on 985, what does the Little Red Book contain?
Look at the Mao biography (986) how did he treat critics?
Look at the picture on page 987, what did theLittle Red  books urge?
Answer questions 1,2, 3 on page 989.
Look at the picture on page 990. Describe the weather conditions.
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences

Monday, October 12, 2015

Week of Oct 12, 2015

This week is a short week because of the field trip to the Museum of Science.  Make sure your permission slip and money are in to Ms. Schriarizzi.  
This week we will be viewing Swing Kids and discussing how common people could be brainwashed by the Nazis.  What techniques did the Nazis use? 

Due next week
29(5) The End of WWII (952-956)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Look at the picture on page 952, what happened on V-J Day?
Look at chart on page 953, which nation suffered over 22 million deaths and 14 million
What does the Soviet poster pictured on page 954 warn against?
Read about the Berlin Airlift (955) How were Germany and Berlin divided?
What threat to America does the Red Menace (956) warn against?
Answer three of the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

30(1) The Cold War Unfolds (966-974) (Double homework grade)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Read Witness History (966) what metaphor did Churchill use to describe the area sealed off by Soviet domination?
*Look at the picture on 967, when is the major Soviet holiday? Why did they show their nuclear might?
*Look at the chart on 968, what type of weapon was limited by arms control agreements?
*Look at the Cold War World , 1977, on page 969. Where is the Soviet soldier pictured?
 Identify 10 Cold War conflicts. Why do you think the US and USSR did not want to fight each other directly? 
* Read the Infographic on page 971. Answer Thinking Critical questions #1+#2.
*Look at the picture of the supermarkets on page 972. How do the two types of stores differ?
* What are children practicing for in the picture on page 973?
* What is pictured on page 974?
*Answer four of the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Week of October 5, 2015


Next Monday is Columbus Day.  Did he discover or encounter America?  Should we celebrate this day?  Why did the founding fathers consider him a hero?

This week we study the Weimar election of 1932 that eventually led to Hitler becoming Fuhrer of Germany.  A quiz grade will be assigned to your performance in the simulation and explanation of the causes of Hitler's coming to power.

Homework due next week:

29(3) The Allies Turn the Tide (939-945) 
Identify the terms, people, and places. 
Read Witness history (939) why did WWII become a total war for the US?  
Read the infographic (941) identify three new WWII technologies and explain how they were used to win the war. 
Read the three biographies on page 944, identify each of the 3 Allied leaders, their country and two facts about the leaders from each reading.
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences: be sure to restate the question in your own words. 

Separate homework grade: 
Read D-Day 946-7, answer the three thinking critically questions on page 947

29(4) Victory in Europe and the Pacific (948-951) Identify the terms, people, and places.
Answer map skills question #3 on page 949.
Draw the shape of the nuclear cloud on page 950.
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Red team world history outline

“All history is biography.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Freshman World History will cover

Western World Religions  (Judaism, Christianity, Islam,)
Eastern World Religions(Hinduism, Buddism, Daoism)
and World History from the fall of Rome (476 CE) to today.

World History topics include:
The Low Middle Ages aka the Dark Ages
William the Conqueror
The Crusades
The growth of towns in the High Middle Ages
Romanesque vs Gothic Architecture
The Renaissance
The Scientific Revolution
The  Enlightenment
American and French Revolutions
The Industrial Revolution
New Imperialism
Interwar period
The end of colonialism
The Cold War
The World today

Humanities emphasis:
Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution and Stalinist Russia
Of Mice and Men and the Great Depression
To Kill a Mockingbird and Civil Rights

Mr. Stanton's Classroom expectations

Mr. Stanton's World History Class grading and extra help

Grading policy:
   Homework:   15%
   Classwork:    25%
  Tests and Quizzes:  60%

Bring a good attitude, a three ring binder, and something to write with to class every day. 

Outside extra credit reading can add up to 5% each quarter to your final average.
Nonfiction and historical fiction will be worth more points. 
The book must be discussed with me and a short writing assignment must be completed before points are added to your grade.   The book and discussion must be completed before the last week of the term to get credit for that term. 

Book Theme:  Power, Conflict/Compromise, Change, and Connection/Relevance to today.

Extra help day:  I will be available for help every day.  Just let me know you are coming.
Thursday's I will be in room  65 for the  homework club.  I encourage all students to make use of the extra help and the Tuesday/Thursday late busses