Sunday, September 27, 2015

Week of September 28, 2015


As a quiz grade this week I will ask you to write a short memoir from the trenches.  What do you see, hear, smell, taste and touch in the trenches?  

This week we will be looking at the rise of Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin after WWI.  Why do you think people were looking for strong leadership after WWI?  Why was the post war period referred to by some as "a time of confusion" or a period of the "lost generation"?

Bookwork due by the end of next week. 

29(1) From Appeasement to War (924-929)
Identify the terms, people and places
Look at the picture on page 925. What did Neville Chamberlain think he had brought Britian in September 1938 with his agreement with Hitler?
Look at the picture on 925, what treaty did Germany break by rearmament?
Look at the picture on page 926. List the four fascist leaders and their countries.
Why is the woman crying on page 927?
Look at the map on page 928. Answer questions #1+2.
Look at the chart on page 92:. Identify the top two reasons to appease (give into) Hitler.
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences, or put 3 sets of bullets for each checkpoint section. 

29(2) The Axis Advances (930-938)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 933.
Answer Thinking Critically #1 on page 935. 
Read the picture caption on 936, how did the Japanese treat the Chinese?
Read the caption to the picture on 938, answer the question. 
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences or write three bullets for each checkpoint section.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Week of Septermber 21, 2015


We will be wrapping up WW1 this week and looking at how dictators like Mussolini and Hitler came to power after the war.

Due by the end of next week.
28(2) The Western Democracies Stumble (891-897)
Identify the terms, people, and places
Look at the picture on 891. What is a soup kitchen?
Look at the picture on page 892. What were the Irish Republican Army trying to resist?
Look at the political cartoon on 893. What point is the cartoonist trying to make?
Read the infographic (894-5). In which country did the Great Depression begin?
What country had the highest unemployment (line graph on 895)
Describe the woman pictured on page 896.
Look at the Economic Theory bloc on page 897. What does John Maynard Keynes think the government should do during depressions?
Answer four of the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
Separate HW grade
Read Pablo Picasso (p.890) . How do you think cubism got its name?
28(3) Fascism in Italy
Identify the terms, people, and places
How is Mussolini pictured on page 898 and 899?
Look at the infographic (900-901) What is a cult of personality?
What happened to Osip Mandelstam (900)?
Look at the picture on 902, what were children required to carry?
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week of September 14, 2015

9/11 was last Friday.
Speak to three people who remember 9/11/01: identify who you are talking to, ask them to identify three things they most remember about the day (bullets are fine) and ask them the two biggest changes they see to America since that time.

WWI quiz Thursday or Friday this week.

Bookwork due by the end of next week:
28(1) Postwar Social Changes. (884-889)
Identify the terms people and places. 
Who is pictured on age 884? What type of music did he play?
Look at the picture on 885, what is a speakeasy? 
Read about the Jazz Age (886-7) How did flappers shock their elders? 
Illustrate three changes in technology pictured. 
Read Marie Curie (888) what was she best known for? 
Read abstract art, why is Kadinsky's art (889) and Picasso's art (890) called Cubist? 
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. 

Read the Infographic on page 900-901
Complete the 6 features of a Totalitarian State (900) shared by Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Communist USSR. 
       Single party ________________ with _________ obedience to a single leader.
  _________________ control of the economy.
Use of ____________ spies and ____________ to enforce the will of the state.
       Government control of the ______________ to indoctrinate and mobilize citizens 

 Use of ____________________ and youth organizations to spread __________________ to children

 Strict ____________________ of the artists and ______________________ with dissenting opinions.

Read 28(4) The Soviet Union under Stalin (904-911)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read Witness History (904) How is Stalin portrayed in the picture?
Look at the picture (905). What did Stalin see as the key to success of the USSR? 
Why are the people pictured on page 906 starving? What happened to their crops?
Look at the map on 907? How did Stalin use Gulags?
What tools are being raised by the factory worker and the farmer on page 908? 
Look at the picture (909) What happened to the Russian Orthodox Church? 
Look at the picture (910) Why were Soviet cities so crowded? 
Complete the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

28(5) Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany (912-917) 
Identify the terms, people and places.
Look at the picture on 912, how did Hitler give hope to the Germans? Who did he blame?
Look at the picture on 913, what is inflation and how did it impact prices?
Read the biography of Hitler on 914. List three adjectives to describe his personality.
Look at the picture on 915. What happened on Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)?
Look at the picture on page 916. Why were books like All Quiet on the Western Front burned?
Look at the chart on page 917. Why were Jewish books also burned? What Jewish scientist exiled from Germany came to the US to teach at Princeton University? 
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Week of September 8, 2015

Due next Monday/Tuesday:  Two separate hw grades:  Draw two propaganda posters using emotional appeal.  Identify your target audience and the type propaganda used.
 We will be starting these in class this week.
One poster supporting the Allies
One poster supporting the Central Powers 

Do not forget the current events: five sets are due each quarter.

Book work: due  Monday/Tuesday next week 
26(3) Winning the War(829-833) 
Identify the terms, people, and places. 
Read And American War Song (829) When did the US declare war on Germany? 
How is the war poster on 830 connected to the picture on 830?
Who was Edith Cavell (biography 831) Why was she shot by the Germans? What do you think the Germans should have done with her?
Who is pictured on the recruitment poster on page 832?
Why are the French cheering on page 833? 

Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

26(4) Making the Peace (834-838)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Who is pictured on page 834? Are they the leaders of the Allies or the Central Powers?
Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 835.
Answer question #3 on page 837.
Answer questions #1+2 on Analyzing Political Cartoons on page 838.
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

26(5) Revolution and Civil War and the postwar period in Russia (839-845)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Who is speaking in the letter, voices of the front, on page 839? Who do they write to, and what do they want? 
Draw a quick illustration of Rasputin (840). Who was Rasputin an advisor to? What type of egg is pictured on page 840?
Answer the biography question on V.I. Lenin on page 841.
Answer thinking critically question #1 on page 843.
What caused the mass starvation pictured on page 845?
Answer four of the five checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Mr. Stanton's Classroom expectations

Mr. Stanton's World History Class grading and extra help

Grading policy:
   Homework:   15%
   Classwork:    25%
  Tests and Quizzes:  60%

Bring a good attitude, a three ring binder, and something to write with to class every day. 

Outside extra credit reading can add up to 5% each quarter to your final average.
Nonfiction and historical fiction will be worth more points. 
The book must be discussed with me and a short writing assignment must be completed before points are added to your grade.   The book and discussion must be completed before the last week of the term to get credit for that term. 

Book Theme:  Power, Conflict/Compromise, Change, and Connection/Relevance to today.

Extra help day:  I will be available for help every day.  Just let me know you are coming.
Thursday's I will be in room  65 for the  homework club.  I encourage all students to make use of the extra help and the Tuesday/Thursday late busses.