Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week of April 27, 2015

18(1) -18(4)  are all past due and will count on this term as well as last term.
Make sure you complete these assignments.

We will have a quiz on the French Revolution Friday.
The essay question will be to identify and explain at least three of the causes of the French Revolution.  Think (SPRITE EM) for the three causes.

Due Wednesday  Document questions on the French Revolution.

Due Thursday
Review the quick Study Guide on page 602.
Complete the Chapter Assessment (604) Answer questions #1-10 (all the matching, one word answers)
Answer these questions in complete sentences:#11,14,15,18, 20

Current Events 4-1 due by Friday

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week of April 13, 2015

One week of class until April Vacation.  Why do we celebrate Patriot's Day next Monday?  Why this week in April and why just in Massachusetts?

American Revolution Debate Tory/Radical/Moderate positions on Tuesday and Wednesday
American Revolution note questions assigned Monday and Tuesday in class, due on Wednesday.

Due  Thursday  Double homework grade, assigned last week.
18(3)Radical Days of the Revolution (585-591) 
Identify the terms, people and places.

Read The Engine of Terror, what metaphorically was the "day's wine" for the guillotine?

Read the two account of the Execution of a King (Louis XVI p.586). Why does Marat want to execute the king? List three reasons.
How does the London Times portray the Revolution?

Read the Robespierre biography (p.587) list three events in his life that would explain why he disliked Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

Draw a guillotine (588) Read the six captions (pictures p.587-88) list one fact from each picture.

Look at the picture on page 590: was is La Marseillaise?

Look at the painting of Napoleon on page 591, which side of the French Revolution did the painter, David, agree with: The monarchy or the Revolutionaries?  Why?

Answer the four checkpoint questions in the section as well as #6 on page 590

Due Friday
18(4) The Age of Napoleon (592-600)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Read the Witness History (592) Describe France after the Revolution;
How was Napoleon able to come to power? 
Look at the map on 595, which city marked Napoleon's furthest advance east? 
Read the primary source (596) bullet two effects of Napoleon's march into Russia in 1810.
Answer the checkpoint questions in complete sentences

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Week of April 6, 2105

Homework due by Thursday. 
This will be assigned a homework and quiz grade.
You have or will have completed  in your English CPI  class research for Miss Schiarizzi on a courageous historical figure.  I want a power point with three slides on the person you researched.   

1. Who is the person? Describe their background.
2. What obstacle(s) did they have to overcome.  What was their biggest accomplishment(s)? 
3. What personal characteristics led to their success or failures in life? What can we learn from them? 

Honor's class reading on GW due Friday. 

Homework due by next Tuesday double homework grade
If you complete this by Friday it will count on both terms.

18(3)Radical Days of the Revolution (585-591)
Identify the terms, people and places.

Read The Engine of Terror, what metaphorically was the "day's wine" for the guillotine?

Read the two account of the Execution of a King (Louis XVI p.586). Why does Marat want to execute the king? List three reasons.
How does the London Times portray the Revolution?

Read the Robespierre biography (p.587) list three events in his life that would explain why he disliked Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

Draw a guillotine (588) Read the six captions (pictures p.587-88) list one fact from each picture.

Look at the picture on page 590: was is La Marseillaise?

Look at the painting of Napoleon on page 591, which side of the French Revolution did the painter, David, agree with: The monarchy or the Revolutionaries?  Why?

Answer the four checkpoint questions in the section as well as #6 on page 590

We will pick up our Salon on the Philosophes in class on Monday.
Your notes and participation will count as a test grade.

We will also debate the American Revolution this week. You will be assigned a Tory or Radical role.