Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week of November 26,2012

Good news, late busses are now on Tuesday/Thursday and will leave at 4:15.
Homework club meets in room 218 after school on Tuesday.

Current Event Week #2 due next Monday.

With all of the short weeks we will be catching up on the homework already assigned.

We will be wrapping up the life of Buddha this week.
Your 6-8 panel cartoon of Buddha's life is due on Friday.
 There must be at least 18 statements/facts about Buddha's life included in the panels.

We will also be discussing Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism in China.  Book work on China has already been assigned.

For a quiz on you are assigned a short position paper due next Friday.

What is the best way to (choose one) coach a team, teach a class, raise a family, babysit young children (any relationship where a power difference exists):Confucianism, Daoism, or Legalism. Be able to explain whether these would work better in the short or the long term. You have to show me that you understand Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism.

Use MoBaThBlue in the opening paragraph. 
Body should include three paragraphs:  why two philosophies do not work and one philosophy works.
Conclusion.  Restate thesis statement and sum up argument.

Honors London sewer reading due this Thursday.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week of November 19, 2012

Homework club:  Tuesday after school in room 218
Don't forget canned goods for Turkey basket.

Week 1 current event due.
6 Panels of the Buddha's life due Wednesday  Quiz grade

The Buddha’s Life in 6  panels  (5 points each-30 points)

1)    Birth- born Siddhartha Gautama (flower?)                                        _____
2)    Life before 29.  What did he want for?  What was his quest?        _____
3)    Ascetic life 29-35. What did it lead to?                                                _____ 
4)    Journey to enlightenment. 
       a.     What did the musician say to his student?                                  _____
5)    The Dark Lord Mara’s temptations                                                      _____
  (pride, greed, fear, ignorance, and desire)                                                               
6)     Teachings of the path to enlightenment: Where did he sit?
       4 Noble Truths  (8 fold path)                                                          _____  

Book work due Monday after Thanksgiving vacation

Honors Reading on 19th century sewers due Tuesday after vacation



Monday, November 12, 2012

Week of November 13, 2012

Due Thursday:

Gandhi  titled his autobiography  The Story of My Experiments with Truth.
Identify and write about  two events in Gandhi’s life that led to his growth as a person. 

Complete DBQ 17

Due next Monday after Thanksgiving Vacation

3(4) Rise of Civilization in China (92-100)  Double homework credit.
Identify the terms, people, and places. Choose 5.
Draw the image of the Mandate of Heaven, listed as the Dynastic Cycle on page 95.
Read the Biography of Confucius on page 97. Why do you think Confucianism is still strong today in many Asian cultures?
Draw the yin-yang symbol pictured on page 98.
Read the secrets of making silk (99) Answer thinking critically question #1.
Answer four of the 6 checkpoint questions in complete sentences

Week 1 Current Event due on Monday
Due next Tuesday
12(1)Two Golden Ages in China 366-375)  
 Identify the terms, people and places.
Read the report on Kublai Khan's fleet (367). How did the Japanese stop a Mongol invasion of Japan in both 1274 and 1281?
Identify three Chinese inventions listed on page 370.
Describe the woman's shoes pictured on page 372.
Answer questions 4-6 on page 374 in complete sentences.

12(2) the Mongol and Ming Empires.(376-382)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Answer the biography question on page 377.
Answer Thinking Critically questions 1+2 on page 379.
Answer question #3 on page 380.  
Answer questions #3-5 on page 382.

Honor's class reading on the sewers of London will be due after Thanksgiving vacation.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week of November 5, 2012

Tomorrow is election day.
What is your prediction in the Presidential race?
Circle winner:     Obama_____________ Romney______________      Electoral vote   (total of 538)  

Due Wednesday:
3(1) Early Civilizations of India and Pakistan (68-74)
Identify the terms, people, and places 
Read Witness History (68) What do archaeologists study?
Read Map Skills (69) Answer question 2.
Read the biography on page 70. What ancient civilization did Wheeler study?
Read Remnants of Indus Civ. (71) Draw one of the carved animals.
What is the woman on page 73 practicing? Why do you think this practice has lasted so long?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Separate hw grade: read The Mahabharata (75) Answer Thinking Critically question #1. 

The first half of 3(2) just the Hinduism part.
3(2) Hinduism and Buddhism (76-78)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read Witness history (76) in what ways were religion and society intertwined in ancient India?
Identify and draw the 3 major Hindu gods pictured on page 77.
Answer the first two checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Book work due this Friday 
3(2) Buddhism p.79-82 
Identify: Siddhartha Gautama, Eightfold Path, nirvana, sect
Answer thinking critically questions #1+2 on page 79.
List the 4 Noble Truths on page 80.
Look at the map on page 81.  Answer question #2.
Answer the last two checkpoint questions in complete sentences. 

Due next Wednesday (November 14)
3(4) Rise of Civilization in China  (92-100) Double homework credit.
Identify the terms, people, and places. Choose 5.
Draw the image of the Mandate of Heaven, listed as the Dynastic Cycle on page 95.
Read the Biography of Confucius on page 97. Why do you think Confucianism is still strong today  in many Asian cultures?
Draw the yin-yang symbol pictured on page 98. 
Read the secrets of making silk (99) Answer thinking critically question #1.
Answer four of the 6 checkpoint questions in complete sentences