Sunday, October 28, 2018

Week of October 29,2018 Honors

Mark Twain said: Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.  What did he mean?

We will be in the learning commons on Monday working on our history day project.
Assignment #2 is due this week.

Also, don't forget current events, three sets are due this term.  I will take late work until Friday afternoon.

Book work due next week.

29(3) The Allies Turn the Tide (939-945) 
Identify the terms, people, and places. 
Read Witness history (939) why did WWII become a total war for the US?  
Read the infographic (941) identify three new WWII technologies and explain how they were used to win the war. 
Read the three biographies on page 944, identify each of the 3 Allied leaders, their country and two facts about the leaders from each reading.
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences or 3 bullets for each section.

Separate homework grade: 
Read D-Day 946-7, answer the three thinking critically questions on page 947

29(4) Victory in Europe and the Pacific (948-951) Identify the terms, people, and places.
Answer map skills question #3 on page 949.
Draw the shape of the nuclear cloud on page 950.
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences or three bullet facts per section.

Week of October 29,2018 CP1 and CP2

This is the last week of the term,  I will take late work until Friday afternoon.
Get your homework in.  Don't forget, three sets  of current events are due this term.

We will continue our Weimar Simulation and the rise of Hitler as Chancellor of Germany.

Mark Twain said: Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.  What did he mean?

31-1 and 31-2 are past due.
Book work for next week.

31(3)  The Global Conflict: Allied Successes 781-786
Identify: genocide, collaborator, reparations
Read Geography and History (782) - How long was the Burma Road between Burma and Thailand supposed to take?  How long were British POWs given to build it?  At what cost?
Read The Holocaust (783) answer questions 1+2 +3
Read Women in Wartime (784).  How do the two pictures show a change in woman's role in wartime?
Look at the map on 785.  Why do you think the battles of El Alamein (Egypt), Stalingrad and Leningrad (USSR) are significant?
Read the Primary Source on page 786.  What day or event is Werner Pluskat describing?
Answer questions 3,6,7 on page 786. 

31(4)  Toward Victory 787-790
Identify: island hopping, kamikaze
What is pictured on page 787?
Read Erwin Rommel's biography on 788.  What led to Rommel's death?  Why did the Nazis kill him?
Look at the map on 789.  Why were the battles of Coral Sea and Midway significant?
Why do you think the Allies did not attack every Japanese controlled island?  Why do you think the Japanese could not maintain every island?
What is pictured on page 790?
Answer questions 3,6,7 on page 790.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Week of October 22, Honors

Two full weeks left in the term
No new book work due next week,  catch up on your missing work,
Make sure current events are in.  Three sets are due this term
We will also get back to our history day project.

This week we focus on failure of the Treaty of Versailles and Hitler's path to power in Nazi Germany.
We will work on a simulation of the Weimar, Germany election of 1932 that led to Hitler becoming Chancellor in 1933.  Hitler established a 3rd Reich which was supposed to last for 1,000 years, but ended in 1945.  Which American president led the US from 1933-45?

Be ready for a quiz on Thursday on material covered this week. The Weimar simulation will count as a quiz also.

Week of October 22, CP1 and CP2

Two full weeks left in the term
No new book work due next week,  catch up on your missing work,
Make sure current events are in.  Three sets are due this term

This week we focus on failure of the Treaty of Versailles and Hitler's path to power in Nazi Germany.
We will work on a simulation of the Weimar, Germany election of 1932 that led to Hitler becoming Chancellor in 1933.  Hitler established a 3rd Reich which was supposed to last for 1,000 years, but ended in 1945.  Which American president led the US from 1933-45?

Be ready for a quiz on Thursday or Friday on material covered this week. The Weimar simulation will count as a quiz also.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

CP1 and CP2 Week of October 15, 2018

We will wrap up All Quiet on the Western Front and see how the Treaty of Versailles although ending the war to end all wars, led  to a peace to end all peaces, and helped the Nazis come to power in 1933.

30-1, 30-3, 30-4 are due this week.

Homework due next week

31(1)  Aggression, Appeasement and War (769-774)
*Define sanction, appeasement, pacifism, Anschluss
*Look at the map on page 769.  What three continents did the Axis have areas under control?
*Read the biography of Haile Selassie (770).  What were the years of his rule of Ethiopia?  Who
      interrupted his rule in 1935?
*Look at the picture on 771.  Who were the two rulers of the Rome-Berlin Axis pictured?
*Read Global Connections (772) Who was the American writer and what was his book about the
      Spanish Civil War?
*Look at the map on 773.  Answer question #2+3
*Answer questions 3,4,5 on page  774

31(2) the Global Conflict: Axis Advances (775-780)
*Identify blitzkrieg, radar, sonar
*What airplane is pictured  on page 775?  Draw the markings on its wings.
*Read rationing and New Products (776).  What three products were made because of shortages in WWII? --What products did they replace? 
*Read Surviving the Blitz(777).  What was the blitz and who survived it?
*Who is pictured on page 779?
*What is pictured on page 780?  What day did this date of infamy occur?
*Answer questions 4,5,6 on page 780.

Honors Week of Oct 15, 2018

Harlem Hellfighters
p.1-75 due Monday
p. 75-150 due Wednesday
p150- end of book due Friday
Also due next Monday,  book work assigned last week
28-2, Cubism, 28-3,28-5

We will  see how the Treaty of Versailles although ending the war to end all wars, led  to a peace to end all peaces, and helped the Nazis come to power in 1933.

We will also look at Sgt. Sal Guinta who won the Congressional  Medal of Honor for acts of heroism in Afghanistan,  discuss the Harlem Hellfighters and get back to our history day project this week.

Book work due next Friday:
29(1) From Appeasement to War (924-929)
Identify the terms, people and places
Look at the picture on page 925. What did Neville Chamberlain think he had brought Britain in September 1938 with his agreement with Hitler?
Look at the picture on 925, what treaty did Germany break by rearmament?
Look at the picture on page 926. List the four fascist leaders and their countries.
Why is the woman crying on page 927?
Look at the map on page 928. Answer questions #1+2.
Look at the chart on page 929. Identify what you think are the top two reasons to appease (give into) Hitler.
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR 3 bullets for each section 

29(2) The Axis Advances (930-938)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 933.
Answer Thinking Critically #1 on page 935. 
Read the picture caption on 936, how did the Japanese treat the Chinese?
Read the caption to the picture on 938, answer the question. 
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences: or 3 bullets for each section.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Honor's Class week of October 9, 2018

Why do you think the city of Columbus, Ohio chose not to celebrate Columbus Day this year?  Don't forget current events,  the sheets are in my  room.
Don't forget we have a field Trip on Wednesday to Mass. Maritime.

Sgt. York reading is due Thursday, here is the homework due at the end of next week.

28(2) The Western Democracies Stumble (891-897)
Identify the terms, people, and places
Look at the picture on 891. What is a soup kitchen?
Look at the picture on page 892. What were the Irish Republican Army trying to resist?
Look at the political cartoon on 893. What point is the cartoonist trying to make?
Read the infographic (894-5). In which country did the Great Depression begin?
What country had the highest unemployment (line graph on 895)
Describe the woman pictured on page 896.
Look at the Economic Theory bloc on page 897. What does John Maynard Keynes think the government should do during depressions?
Answer four of the five checkpoint questions in complete sentence, or 3 bullets/section.
Separate HW grade
Read Pablo Picasso (p.890) . How do you think cubism got its name?
28(3) Fascism in Italy
Identify the terms, people, and places
How is Mussolini pictured on page 898 and 899?
Look at the infographic (900-901) What is a cult of personality?
What happened to Osip Mandelstam (900)?
Look at the picture on 902, what were children required to carry?
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences or 3 bullets/section. 
28(5) Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany (912-917)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Look at the picture on 912, how did Hitler give hope to the Germans? Who did he blame?
Look at the picture on 913, what is inflation and how did it impact prices?
Read the biography of Hitler on 914. List three adjectives to describe his personality.
Look at the picture on 915. What happened on Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)?
Look at the picture on page 916. Why were books like All Quiet on the Western Front burned?
Look at the chart on page 917. Why were Jewish books also burned? What Jewish scientist exiled from Germany came to the US to teach at Princeton University?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR 3 bullets for each checkpoint section.

CP1 and CP2 hw week of October 9,2018

Why do you think the city of Columbus, Ohio chose not to celebrate Columbus Day this year?  Don't forget current events,  the sheets are in my  room.

Don't forget we have a field Trip on Wednesday to Mass. Maritime.

No new homework is due this week, here is the homework due at the end of next week.
 30(1)  The Western Democracies  (746-751)
Identify: disarmament, overproduction, margin buying, and general strike
Who is pictured crying in Kathy Kolwitz's wood cutting on page 746?  Why?
Look at the picture on page 747.  What did the Kellog-Briand Pact try to ban?  What insurance policy does the picture suggest?
Read the primary source on page 748.  How did the man lose his legs?  Why risk the loss?
What is pictured on page 748?
What is pictured on page 749?
Read Geography and history(750)  What was the Maginot Line?  Who built it?  Did it work in WWII?
Answer questions 4 + 5 on page 751

30(3) Fascism in Italy (757-760)
 Identify: Black Shirts,  Il Duce
 Read Setting the scene (757)  Why were Italian nationalists upset after WW1?
Read  Did you know (758)  Why do you think Mussolini had a 300's scale model of Rome built?
Read Totalitarianism (759)  Answer skills assessment questions #1+2.
Read Global Connections (760)  Why reason did FDR give for Eastern European nations turning to authoritarian rulers /dictators?
Answer questions 2,3,4 on page 760.

30(4) Hitler and the rise of Nazi Germany (761-765)
Identify Chancellor, repudiate, concentration camp
Look at the picture on page 761.  What is the German woman using for fuel in 1923?  Why?
Read the biography of Hitler (762)  List 3 facts about Hitler.
What is  pictured on page 763?  How would these rallies fuel nationalism?
What is being burned in the picture on page 764?  Why?
Read the primary source Kristallnacht (765) What happened on the night of November 9-10, 1938?  What happened November 11, 1918?
Answer questions 3,4,5 on page 765