Sunday, December 20, 2015

World History Midterm review terms

Name__________________________  Red team World History Midterm Review terms 
Due January 15, 2016

Define or explain relationship
Middle Ages/Fall of Rome/Renaissance
Lords/Vassals feudal relationship
Crusades/Pope/Holy Land
Magna Carta/King John/ Nobles/ Parliament
Black Death and its impact
Salvation/sale of indulgences/Reformation
Martin Luther/Pope/Protestant Revolution
Da Vinci / Mona Lisa
Gutenberg/movable type/Scientific Revolution
Nicholas Copernicus/Heliocentric/ Geocentric
Age of Exploration/Reasons for exploration
Columbus/ Columbian Exchange
World Religions identify: Hinduism + Buddhism, Confucianism + Daoism, Judaism, Christianity, Judaism
Jesus/ Messiah
3 People of the book
Catholic/Protestant are two major sects
Sunni/Shiite two major sects
Moses/10 Commandments
5 Pillars
Life is Pain
Language of Koran
3 People of the Book
Filial Piety
Karma and Dharma

WWI Allies vs.____________________
MAINS causes of WWI
Identify the county of each person and why they were important
Franz Ferdinand
Gavrilo Princip/ Black Hand
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Czar Nicholas
VI Lenin
Ultimatum from A-H to?
Von Schlieffen Plan
Trench warfare
Eastern Front
Western Front
Impact of Machine Gun on the Western Front
Unrestricted submarine warfare
Zimmerman Note
Treaty of Versailles/Reparations

WWII Allies vs. _______________
Neville Chamberlain/Appeasement
Anschluss (union)  of Germany and _______________
WWII begins with blitzkrieg of ___________________  
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf
Joseph Stalin
Winston Churchill
Franklin Roosevelt
Harry Truman
Mahatma Gandhi
Mao Zedong
Pablo Picasso
Kamikaze Pilot
Pearl Harbor
Manhattan Project
Yalta Project
Big 3 Allies
D Day
Death Camps
Aryan Race/Swastika
Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Cold War: What 2 major countries involved?
Which country is a Communist dictatorship?
Which country is Capitalist democracy?
Containment/Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan

Map of Europe with following countries:  England, France, Germany, Italy

Map of South Central Asia:  Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Nepal,

Week of December 21, 2015

I hope you enjoy your vacation, but for those students who want to get ahead here is the homework due the  Friday after vacation
13(1) The Renaissance in Italy (410-416)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Read the focus question on page 410, what is a "Renaissance man"? 

Look at the picture on page 411, what was David intended to convey? 
How is the wealth of the banker shown in the picture on page 412.
Answer question #3 on the Map Skills on page 413. 
Answer Thinking Critically questions 1+2 on page 415.
          Answer the 4 checkpoint questions OR answer questions #3-#6 on page 416.

Separate homework grade
Read: Primary Source, The Prince, p. 417. Answer questions #1 and #2

13(2) The Renaissance in the North (418-421)
Identify the terms, people, and places. 

Who and what are pictured on page 418? 
Answer the question in the picture on Durer on page 419
Read: Realism in Northern European Art (420-21) Answer question #1
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Separate homework grade:
Read Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre (422) Draw a picture of the stage, answer questions #1+2

13(3) The Protestant Reformation (423-427)
Identify the terms, people and places listed on page 423.
What is Luther doing in the picture on page 423?
Read the biography of Martin Luther on page 425 and answer the question at the bottom. Look at the Calvinist Church pictured on page 427, how does it differ from Medieval Cathedrals? 
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences

Week of January 4, 2016

Name_________________________________                                            Mr. Stanton
Medieval Timeline  476 CE- 1453 CE 
Low Middle Ages or ________________  Ages  500CE -1100CE
High Middle Ages    1100-1350 CE  
476 AD  Official Fall of _________________
570-632  Life of _______________________, founder of Islam
622  ___________________, Mohammed’s holy flight from Mecca to Medina
600- 800  Irish________________  Age
732  Battle of Tours, Charles Martel defeats  _______________, European Muslims
800-1000   _________________  invaders from Scandinavia ravage Europe
800 Coronation of Charlemagne by _________  Leo III.  The beginning of Holy Roman Empire (1st Reich)
843  Treaty of ____________________  Charlemagne’s empire split into 3 parts
988  Prince Vladimir converts Kiev (Ukraine) to Orthodox _____________________ St. Cyril and Methodius sent by Byzantine Emperor invent _______________ alphabet to translate Bible into Russian language
1054  The ____________ of the Christian Church between Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Church
1066 The Norman ____________________ of England, William the __________________ becomes. William the _____________________
1095 Pope Urban II calls the 1st ______________________ to save the Holy Land from Muslim control and reunite the  Church
              8 Crusades 1096-1291
The crusades in 1096, 1146, 1309 witnessed mass killing of ___________ along Rhine
1100’s Champagne trade fairs, High ____________ Ages begin (growth of trade)
1204 Venetian trading rivals sack ___________________ in the 4th Crusade
1215 King John signs the Magna ________________ protecting nobles’ rights.  Era of common law and rule of law emerges in England.
1240 Mongols capture and destroy ______________, Mongols crush Kiev and rule Russia for 200 years
    1240-1368  Mongol domination of Eurasia  It is referred to as the Mongol ___________
1275 Marco _________ visits China, ruled by Kubla Khan (Genghis Khan’s grandson)
1291  ___________ forces seize Acre, the last Christian stronghold, ______________ end
1300- Renaissance spirit emerges among Northern _____________  city states
1337 Start of the 100 Years War  between _________________ and France
100 Years War  1337-1453
1341 Petrarch become 1st poet __________________  since fall of Rome,  Renaissance begins
   Renaissance or Early  ______________  Period 1350-1650
1348  New outbreaks of Bubonic __________________ (Black Death) in Europe.
     Massive pogroms occur in Europe as ___________are blamed for poisoning wells and food.
1452  Leonardo da Vinci born in ____________________, Italy (near Florence)
1453  Constantinople falls to Ottoman  ________________  and  Byzantine Empire ends.
1453  End of the 100  Years War between England and ________________, home of Joan of Arc
1452 Johann Gutenberg ____________ printed,  movable ____________ invented.
1475 Michelangelo born in ___________________, Italy
1492 Columbus sails from Spain and ____________________ New World (Americas)

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Medieval Farming terms

Bailiff /Reeve– Top peasant who was the lord's manager. The bailiff helped oversee the villeins’ work, the profits and expenses of the manor and farm.  The term mayor and sheriff also originates from this term. The reeve made sure the villeins and serfs worked for the lord, started their work on time and did not cheat the lord out of any money.

Serf/ Villein – a peasant who was not free. They worked on the lord’s land and did certain jobs for him in return for the use of some land for himself. A villein was bound to work on a certain manor.

Manor – all the land owned by the lord in a medieval village which included the fields, the common land and the woodland.

The Manor house – the main house owned by the lord of the manor

Demesne (pronounced “domain”) – the best land in the manor for the Lord to farm.

Freeman – Serfs could escape the manor and live in a city for a year and a day and become a freeman.  That is where the saying "city air makes one free" originates.  Freeman on the farm were peasants who paid the lord to farm their land. They did not have to work for the lord every week like the serfs/villains, but did have to help out at busy times of the year and pay to use the lord’s oven and his mill. They could be thrown off the land if the lord had enough serfs to farm the land.

The Hayward – The peasant who looked after the cows

The Shepherd – The peasant who looked after the sheep

The swineherd – The peasant who looked after the pigs

Crops – the plants grown by the farmers which commonly included wheat and barley.  Look at three field system notes.

Harvest – Gathering in the crops from the fields when they are ready. Reaping is the cutting of the grain for harvest, using a scythe or sickle. Completed in the fall, the Octoberfest would follow.

Ploughing – This is when the top layers of soil are cut open, and turned over to bring nutrients to the surface and to allow air to enter, usually done around Groundhog's day also called Candlemas.(rows were blessed by local priest)

Harrowing – Used to break up the earth even more than ploughing and also used to cover the seeds after sowing.

Sowing – The process of planting the seeds in the fields.  Seeds scattered throughout the fields.

Fallow - the land that is left to rest and not farmed for a year so the nutrients can be replaced.

Furrow – long lines made in the fields after ploughing.

Open field system/Three field system – the system by which the manor was split into three or four big unfenced fields which were in turn divided up into strips farmed by the peasants

Week of December 14, 2015

We are in the middle of the week before the week before vacation.  Keep working. Be ready for a quiz on material we covered from chapter 7 on Thursday/Friday this week.
Don't forget current events: 5 sets of 3 stories are due this term.

Homework due Friday:  10(1), 10(3), 8(3)

Homework due next Wednesday
Medieval timeline begun in class this week will be graded as a quiz grade next week.

8(4) Learning and Culture Flourish p. 262-267 
What causes cultural diffusion? (ask in class if you don't know)  Why do you think European culture and learning flourished after the Crusades? 
Identify the terms, people, and places. 
What is pictured on page 262?  
Answer the biography question about Christine de Pisan on page 263. 
Identify the four types inventions brought to Medieval Europe in the HMA shown on page 264.  
What does the Bayeaux Tapestry (picture 266-267) show? 
Answer the three checkpoint questions OR questions #3-5 on page 267

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Week of December 7, 2015

Monday is Pearl Harbor Day,  as Winston Churchill stated about the attack on Pearl Harbor and American entry into WWII:  "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."    
Midterm for quarter two is also this Friday, and it marks not the end of your freshman year, not even the beginning of the end, but...

Homework due this week 7(3) and 7(4)
We wrap up Chinese phlosophies this week and begin our study of the European Middle Ages.

Homework due next week: 
10(1) The Rise of Islam (p.304-309)
Identify the terms, people, and places. 

Read the Infographic on page 307 and answer questions #1+2.
Also, answer questions the checkpoint questions OR questions #3-6 on page 308 in complete sentences.

10(3) Muslim Civilizations Golden Age 317-323
Identify the terms, people, and places. 

Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 321. 
Answer Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 323. 
Explain how Arabic numerals (picture 322) in Eastern Muslim Regions differed from Modern Western Arabic numerals. Who most likely brought Arabic numerals to Europe?  How?

Answer questions #3-5 on page 322 OR the checkpoint questions in complete sentences 
8(3) The Crusades and the wider world (255-260)
Identify the terms, people, and places 
Read witness history (255)What did the Franks do to the Saracens when they captured Jerusalem?
Look at the map on page 257, answer questions #2+3. 
Look at the picture on 258, why did the Moslem leader Saladin open Jerusalem to the Christians? 
Look at the infographic on page 259, what three religions hold Jerusalem sacred?
Answer the four Checkpoint questions or questions #3-6 in complete sentences.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Week of November 30, 2015

We are in the stretch run to Christmas vacation, keep up with the homework.  It is easy to fall behind in the winter. 
Good luck to the winter sports athletes trying out for teams this week. It's okay to be nervous: nervous means you care.  Be sure to leave it all on the rink or the floor, no short legging fly balls, and when it is all done know that you have given your best effort.  

This week we wrap up Eastern religions and philosophies in class.  Be ready for a quiz on the material we have covered on Thursday or Friday.

7(1) and 7(2) are due Friday

Homework due next week:
7(3) The Medieval Church (225-230)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Answer the Thinking Critically questions on page 227, 
Answer the biography question on St. Francis of Assisi on page 229, 
Answer preserving Jewish Culture on page 230. 
· Answer the three checkpoint questions OR questions 3,4,5 on page 230 in complete sentences.

Chapter 7(4) Economic Recovery Sparks Change. (p. 231-236)  
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Answer map skills questions #1+2 on page 232. 
Answer the primary source question on page 233, and the question on Medieval Advertising on the picture on page 235. 
Why should ice hockey players be interested in the primary source on page 236?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR answer questions #3-6 on page 236.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Week of November 23, 2015

Happy days before Thanksgiving. Don't forget to complete your current events.
Homework due this Wednesday:   12(1) and 12(2)

 We have a short week this week, the homework due next week includes

Chapter 7: The Rise of Europe 500 AD-1300 AD
Read 7(1) The Early Middle Ages (p214-218), 

· Identify the terms, people, and places listed on page 214. 
· Answer the Focus Question on page 214, 
· Map Skills question #3 on page 215, 
Map Skills question #2 on page 217. 
· Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR answer #3-5 on page 218 in complete questions

7(2) Feudalism and the Manor Economy (219-224)
· Identify the terms, people, and places.
· Answer the focus question on page 219.
Answer Thinking Critically questions 1+2 on page 221, 
Answer the biography question on Eleanor of Aquitaine on page 222. 
Answer the question on the picture Back Breaking Labor, page 224.
Also, answer the three checkpoint questions OR questions # 3,4,5 on page 224 in complete sentences.

7(3) The Medieval Church (225-230)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Answer the Thinking Critically questions on page 227, 
Answer the biography question on St. Francis of Assisi on page 229, 
Answer preserving Jewish Culture on page 230. 
· Answer the three checkpoint questions OR questions 3,4,5 on page 230 in complete sentences.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week of November 16, 2015

Friday night's terrorist acts in Paris remind me where extremist philosophies can lead, and it is important to remember that they do not reflect the typical Muslim. The Nazi's were German Christians, and they did not reflect the majority of Christians in Germany when they came to power in 1933. The Nazi's were able to play on the fear and anxieties of the typical German following the Treaty of Versailles. The fears and anxieties fundamentalist Muslims play upon will be discussed this week. We will also see how Gandhi dealt with the fear and anxieties of his day.  Remember that Gandhi was a contemporary of both Hitler and Stalin, and helped to develop the concept of Civil disobedience as a means of change.

Due this Friday: 
27(3) India Seeks Self Rule (865-867) 
Identify the terms, people and places
What is pictured on page 865?
Who led the Great Salt March (picture 866)? Identify the terms, people, and places.
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Separate home work grade.Read Primary Source: Mohandas Gandhi, page 868. Answer question 1+2 on page 868 in complete sentences 

Homework   also due this week 3(4) and 3(5),    
Home work due next week: 
12(1)Two Golden Ages in China (366-375)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Read the report on Kublai Khan's fleet (367). How did the Japanese stop a Mongol invasion of Japan in both 1274 and 1281?
Identify three Chinese inventions listed on page 370.
Describe the woman's shoes pictured on page 372.
Answer  the four checkpoint questions OR questions #4-6 on page 374 in complete sentences.

12(2) the Mongol and Ming Empires.(376-382)
Identify the terms, people and places.
Answer the biography question on page 377.
Answer Thinking Critically questions 1+2 on page 379.
Answer question #3 on page 380.
Answer the three checkpoint question OR questions #3-5 on page 382

Confucian, Daoist, Legalist quotes

ConfuciusThe Confucian Analects
Chinese philosopher & reformer (551 BC - 479 BC)

- If his mat were not straight, he would not sit down

Lao Tzu
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

“Simplicity,  patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.”
Lao TzuTao Te Ching

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.”
Lao TzuTao Te Ching
 “A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.”
Lao Tzu
 “Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”
Lao TzuTao Teh Ching
 “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
Lao Tzu
 “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”
Lao Tzu
 “When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you.”
Lao TzuTao Te Ching
 “The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.”
Lao TzuTao Te Ching
 “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
Lao Tzu
 “Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.”
Lao Tzu
“Be content with what you have;
rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
the whole world belongs to you.”
Lao Tzu

Han Fei Tzu
(c.280 BC-233 BC) Philosopher and political theorist of the Legalist School (Fa Chia)

It is dangerous for a ruler to trust others. He who trusts others can be manipulated by others.
Indeed, customs differ between the past and the present. To try to govern the people of a chaotic age with benevolence and lenient measures is like to drive wild horses without reins and whips.
In usual circumstances, everyone knows that water overwhelms fire. However, when there is a kettle between them, water will get bubbly and will boil itself away on the top, while fire will endure underneath.
Tao does not have a visible existence, nor does it have an intelligible function.
When you hear any statements made, do not alter or shift them. Just compare them with the actions, and observe whether the statements and actions correspond with each other.
When it comes to women, the wise ruler may enjoy them, but should not be drawn into their pleas or submit to their requests.
When it comes to people who are close to him, he enjoys them, but is sure to hold them responsible for what they say, and prevent them from expressing unasked for opinions.
When it comes to uncles, brothers, and chief vassals, he should punish them when their advice leads to failure, and promote them when their advice leads to success. He should not promote them erratically.
When it comes to pleasures and the enjoyment of valuable goods, he should have a staff tha handles these things, and prohibit anyone from having the freedom to control them. Otherwise, ministers will be able to manipulate the sovereign by knowing his wants.
When it comes to favors, he should grant them at his own will to use emergency resources and public storehouses, and benefit the people. A minister should never be allowed to give based on his personal favorites.
When it comes to persuasions and discussions, he must observe and find out people who are considered skillful at something, and verify the lack of skill in those who are considered bad. He should always avoid letting ministers talk to each other about them.

The wise ruler institutes posts, offices, ranks, and bounties in order to offer a guarantee to promote the worthy and encourage the excellent. …

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Week of Nov. 9

Veterans day is Wednesday, remember the sacrifices of those who served our nation and thank a Veteran.

Gandhi cited 7 Social Sins afflicting western culture. Choose three of the following and explain why you agree or disagree with Gandhi's observation. Give examples of how Gandhi lived these words. Would Gandhi be happy or unhappy with western life today?
Explain your answer
1. Wealth without Work
2. Pleasure without Conscience
3. Science without Humanity
4. Knowledge without Character
5. Politics without Principle
6. Commerce without Morality
7. Worship without Sacrifice
The 14th Dalai Lama wrote: 

The Paradox of Our Age 
We have bigger houses but smaller families;
more conveniences, but less time;
We have more degrees, but less sense;
more knowledge, but less judgement;
more experts, but more problems;
more medicines, but less healthiness;
We've been all the way to the moon and back,
but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor.
We built more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever,
but have less communication;
We have become long on quantity, but short on quality.
There are times of fast foods, but slow digestion;
Tall man, but short character;
Steep profits, but shallow relationships.
It's a time when there is much in the window, but nothing in the room.

How does this poem compare to Gandhi's Seven Blunders of the Western World? 
Identify three of the Dalai Lama's statements and explain how you agree or disagree.

Book work due next week
3(4) Rise of Civilization in China (92-100) 
Choose 5 and Identify the terms, people, and places (p.92)
Outline the Mandate of Heaven, listed as the Dynastic Cycle on page 95.
Read the Biography of Confucius on page 97. Why do you think Confucianism lasts to today?
Draw the yin-yang symbol pictured on page 98. 
Read the secrets of making silk (99) Answer thinking critically question #1. 
Answer four of the six checkpoint questions in complete sentences

3(5) Strong Rulers Unite China (101-107)
Identify the terms, people and places
What did Shi Huandi do to the scholars in the picture on 102?
Look at the map skills on page 103, answer questions #2 and #3.
Look at the map on 105, list 7 cities were connected by the Silk Road. What was the key Chinese product traded on the Silk Road? 
What Chinese treatment is pictured on page 106. 
Look at the picture on 107, what is a bodhisattva and what is their purpose?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Week of November 2, 2015

The term ends this week.  Don't forget current events as well as chapter 30 homework.
We will have a quiz on material coverted on FDR and Hitler on Thursday and Friday.

Next week we will be studying the life of a great Hindu, Mahatma (Great Soul) Gandhi.
Due next week: 

3(1) Early Civilizations of India and Pakistan (68-74)
Identify the terms, people, and places
Read Witness History (68) What do archaeologists study?
Read Map Skills (69) Answer question 2.
Read the biography on page 70. What ancient civilization did Wheeler study?
Read Remnants of Indus Civ. (71) Draw one of the carved animals.
What is the woman on page 73 practicing? Why do you think this practice has lasted so long?
Answer three of the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Separate hw grade: read The Mahabharata (75) Answer Thinking Critically question #1.

The first half of 3(2) just the Hinduism part.
3(2) Hinduism and Buddhism (76-78)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read Witness history (76) in what ways were religion and society intertwined in ancient India?
Identify and draw the 3 major Hindu gods pictured on page 77.
Answer the first two checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

3(2) Buddhism p.79-82 
IdentifySiddhartha Gautama, Eightfold Path, nirvana, sect
Answer thinking critically questions #1+2 on page 79.
List the 4 Noble Truths on page 80.
Look at the map on page 81.  Answer question #2.
Answer the last two checkpoint questions in complete sentences.