Thursday, January 29, 2009

Week of February 2, 2009

Due Monday- Happy Groundhog day, look up Candlemas or Groundhog day's orgins for a CE turned in on Monday. Make sure you can explain its pre Industrial Revolution significance for Monday's class. If you do not turn this in on Monday a regular CE is due on Friday (week 3).

We will be studying Napoleon and his impact this week in class.

Due Tuesday- 18(4) The Age of Napoleon pt. I (p591-597)
Answer questions 1+2 on page 591.
Answer the 4 checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
Answer the focus question on page 592.

Due Wednesday- 18(4) part II Napoleon Falls from power (598-600)
Answer the two checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also, answer questions 2+3 on page 595 and the primary source question with the picture on page 596. Answer question #1 on page 601.

Review for quiz on Friday.
Read and review page 602. Answer questions 2+3 on page 603.
Complete the chapter assessment on page 604: answer questions #1-10, also answer 5 questions of your choice #11-21 on page 604.

Test on the French Revolution on Friday.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Week of January 20, 2009

Assigned Tuesday- CE Watch the Inauguration. Answer the questions assigned as best you can for current event credit

Assigned Wednesday- complete the Guillotine Game Review Questions. Make sure you complete your protest posters.

Due Friday- Chapter The French Revolution and Napoleon18-1 On the Eve of Revolution (572-577)
Answer the 4 checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Kick back, don't rewrite, the question. Also, answer question 1+2 on page 573, and 1+2 on page 574

Due next Tuesday (1/27) 18-2 The French Revolution Unfolds (578-583)Answer the 4 checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Kick back the question.Also answer the question (Identify Central Issues) on page 579, the Marie Antoinette question on page 580, and questions 1+2 on page 582.

Due next Wednesday (1/28) Questions 1+2 on page 58418-3 Radical Days of the Revolution (585-590) Answer the 4 checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Also, Questions 1+2 on page 589.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Week of January 12, 2009

Monday- In class we will be looking at the benefits and drawbacks of life in Norway.

Due Tuesday- Worksheet on economic reactions to industrialization.
Period D and E class will have quiz on material reviewed last week.

Due Wednesday- 21(3) Changing Attitudes and values p. 674-680.
Complete the 5 checkpoint questions in complete sentences

Due Thursday- Arts in the Industrial Age- p.681-684
Complete the 3 checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
Also, answer questions 1+2 on page 685.

Friday- be ready for a quiz on Friday on material covered this week.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Week of January 5,2009

Welcome back from vacation!
Homework due for the week:

Current Event (week 8) Due by Friday-Report on the Hamas-Israeli Conflict on the Gaza Strip.
What is the cause of the problem?

Due Tuesday: DBQ on the Effects of the Industrial Revolution.

Due Wed: 19(3) and 19(4) which were assigned the week before vacation will be accepted today for full credit.

Due Thursday: 21(1) 660-666
Answer the 4 checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
Make sure to kick back (not re-write) the question in your answer.
Also, complete #3 on page 661, Which two countries passed Great Britain in steel production by 1900? Look at the picture on page 663 and answer the question "How did electricty make life easier for people in the city?" Finally, answer questions #1+2 on page 664.

Due Friday: 21(2) 667-673
Answer the 3 checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
Also, answer the question associated with Florence Nightingale (picture p.668), analyze cause and effect on page 670, and the question from the picture on page 671. Finally, answer questions 1+2 on page 673

Be ready for a quiz Friday on the material covered in class during the week.