Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week of September 30, 2013

Open House on Tuesday night.  I hope to see your parent(s)/ guardian(s) there.

Freshman Homework club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 218 from 2:10-3:00. There are late busses that leave Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:00. Go there for extra help in any class on Thursdays I will be there after school
Due  Tuesday
27(3) India Seeks Self-Rule (865-867)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read Witness History (865) Why were many Indians frustrated? With whom?
Read The Salt March (866) How do you think Americans would have viewed the British if they violently reacted to the Salt March?
Answer the 3 checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
Due Thursday:
We will be studying the life of a great Hindu, Mahatma (Great Soul) Gandhi.
Gandhi cited 7 Social Sins afflicting western culture. Choose three of the following and explain why you agree or disagree with Gandhi's observation. Give examples of how Gandhi lived these words. Would Gandhi be happy or unhappy with western life today?
Use the Answer, Evidence, Explain method
1. Wealth without Work
2. Pleasure without Conscience
3. Science without Humanity
4. Knowledge without Character
5. Politics without Principle
6. Commerce without Morality
7. Worship without Sacrifice

Book work due Friday
3(2) Buddhism p.79-82
Siddhartha Gautama, Eightfold Path, nirvana, sect
Answer thinking critically questions #1+2 on page 79.
List the 4 Noble Truths on page 80.
Look at the map on page 81. Answer question #2.e
Answer the two checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Due next Wednesday
3(4) Rise of Civilization in China (92-100) Double homework credit.
Choose 5 and  Identify the terms, people, and places (p.92)
Outline the Mandate of Heaven, listed as the Dynastic Cycle on page 95.
Read the Biography of Confucius on page 97. Why do you think Confucianism lasts to today?
Draw the yin-yang symbol pictured on page 98.
Read the secrets of making silk (99) Answer thinking critically question #1.
Answer the 6 checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week of September 23, 2013

Freshman Homework club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 218 from  2:15-3:00.  There are late busses that leave Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:00. Go there for extra help in any class.  On Thursdays I will be there after school.

After wrapping up the Age of Exploration we will be comparing the Civil Rights movement in the US led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to the  Indian independence movement led by Mahatma Gandhi.  They were  religious men, King a Christian and Gandhi a Hindu, both men utilized civil disobedience as a change agent.  We will see how non violent dissent has become one of the most powerful forces in world history.  MLK would say that "Christ taught me the message, Gandhi the method" in describing civil disobedience.

Homework due Tuesday

15(3)Struggle for North America (482-486)
Identify the terms, people, and places listed on page 482.

Read A piece of the past on page 482. What was discovered in a newly plowed field in 1867?
Read the biography on page 483. What was Jacques Cartier sent to find by the French king?
Look at the picture on page 484, what were English settlers promised in Virginia? Why do you think John Smith in Jamestown later said "those who do not work do not eat."
Read page 485, answer map skills questions #2+3.
Answer Comprehension questions #3-6 on page 486 OR 3 checkpoint questions in complete sentences.
Homework due Thursday
3(1) Early Civilizations of India and Pakistan (68-74)
Identify the terms, people, and places
Read Witness History (68) How have scholars learned about early Indian Civilizations?
Read Map Skills (69) Answer questions 2+3.
Read the biography on page 70. What did Wheeler contribute to archaeology?
Read Remnants of Indus Civ. (71) Draw one of the carved animals.
What is the woman on page 73 practicing? Why do you think this has lasted so long?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Read The Mahabharata (75) Answer Thinking Critically question #1.
The first half of 3(2) just the Hinduism part.

Homework due Friday:
3(2) Hinduism and Buddhism (76-78)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read Witness history(76) in what ways were religion and society intertwined in ancient India?
Identify and draw the 3 major Hindu gods pictured on page 77.
Answer the two checkpoint questions in complete sentences

Due next Tuesday
27(3) India Seeks Self-Rule (865-867)
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read Witness History (865) Why were many Indians frustrated? With whom?
Read The Salt March (866) How do you think Americans would have viewed the British if they violently reacted to the Salt March?
Answer the 3 checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week of September 16

For class discussion:
author Jerry Spinelli explained in Maniac Magee "the history of a kid is one part fact, two parts legend, and three parts snowball."  How is this also a description of Christopher Columbus? 

Due  Tuesday:
15(5) Effects of Global Contact (491-495)
Identify the terms, people, and places listed on page 491.
Read the "Uniting the World" reading on page 491. What did Adam Smith say were the two greatest and most important events in world history? Why were they so important?
Look at the picture on 492. What two sources do the Spanish credit their victory in the new world? Read tulipmaina? Where and why did it occur and what year did it crash?
Read Comparing viewpoints on page 494. What was the cause of the trade war?
Why do you think this was an important commodity during the "Age of Sail"?
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR questions #3,4,6 on page 481 in complete sentences.

Due Thursday:
15(2): Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the Americas (477- 481)
Identify the terms, people, and places listed on page 477.
Read Witness History (477) What did Las Casas say overshadowed the deeds of the famous men?
Why do you think Native American figures are included in the painting with the Magi on page 478?
What is pictured on page 479? How can you tell this is a vital part of town life in Mexico?
What populations of Spanish America are growing in the pie graph pictured on page 480?
What smuggled commodity is pictured on page 481?  Why do you think this was an important commodity during the "Age of Sail".
Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR questions #3,4,6 on page 481.

 Due Friday
15(3)Struggle for North America (482-486)
Identify the terms, people, and places listed on page 482.

Read A piece of the past on page 482. What was discovered in a newly plowed field in 1867?
Read the biography on page 483. What was Jacques Cartier sent to find by the French king?
Look at the picture on page 484, what were English settlers promised in Virginia? Why do you think John Smith in Jamestown later said "those who do not work do not eat."
Read page 485, answer map skills questions #2+3.
Answer Comprehension questions #3-6 on page 486 OR 3 checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week of September 9, 2013

Book work due this week and  next week. Friday quiz on material covered this week.
This Wednesday/Thursday you will present summer reading book in Period C class.
Honors class Smallpox reading due next Wednesday.

Due  Tuesday (tomorrow):
14(2) Turbulent Centuries in Africa (p.452-455)
Identify the terms, people and places on page 452.
Answer map skills questions #2+3 on page 454. Look at the picture on page 455.Why did the Portuguese build castles in Africa?
Answer Assessment questions #3, 4,6 on page 455 OR the 3 checkpoint questions in complete sentences
Due Thursday
15(1) Conquest in the Americas (472-476) 
Identify the terms, people, and places.
Read Witness history (top 472)Why was Moctezuma filled with terror when he heard of the invadors? List three reasons.
Read the Primary Source (473) What diseases do you think the Maya describe?
Malainche (picture 473) was a translator for Cortez. Why was she sold into slavery?
Read the Traverlers Tales (p.473) Why did Diaz want to write his own account of history? Answer Critical Thinking question #2 on page 475.
What is pictured on page 476? Why did Spain become  a wealthy country in the 1500's?
Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences OR Comprehension questions #3-6 on page 426.
15(4) The Atlantic Slave Trade (487-490).
Identify the terms, people, and places listed on page 487.
What are the two pictures on page 487? Draw one of them.
Read page 488. What was Ottobah Cugoano traded for?
Answer the Thinking Critically questions #1+2 on page 489.
What is the dilemma/tradeoff that William Cowper writes about on page 490?
Look at the triangular trade routes (489) why could it be called the quadrangle trade?
Answer Comprehension and Critical Thinking questions #3-5 on page 490 OR the 3 checkpoint questions.

Homework due next Tuesday
15(5) Effects of Global Contact (491-495)
Identify the terms, people, and places listed on page 491.
Read the "Uniting the World" reading on page 491.
What did Adam Smith say were the two greatest and most important events in world history?
Why were they so important?
Look at the picture on 492. What two sources do the Spanish credit their victory in the new world? Read tulipmaina? Where and why did it occur and what year did it crash?
Read Comparing viewpoints on page 494. What was the cause of the trade war?
Answer questions #4-6 on page 495 or the 3 checkpoint questions.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Week of September 3, 2013

How will you be most successful in this class? Attitude vs. Aptitude?

Grading policy:
   Homework:   20%
   Classwork:    20%
  Tests and Quizzes:  60%
Outside extra credit reading can add up to 5% each quarter to your final average.
Nonfiction and historical fiction will be worth more points.
The book must be discussed with me and a short writing assignment must be completed before points are added to your grade.   The book and discussion must be completed before the last week of the term to get credit for that term.

Book Theme:  Power, Conflict/Compromise, Change, and Connection/Relevance to today.

Homework for the week
Due Friday
14(1) the Search for Spices(446-451)
Identify the terms people and places listed on page 446.

Read the search is on at the top of p.446, and identify four  spices Europeans wanted from Asia.
Look at the Map Skills on page 447, answer question #3.
Look at the info graphic on page 449.
Identify and illustrate three of the five  tools used in the Age of Exploration.

Read the biography on page 450 and list three facts about Prince Henry the Navigator.
Answer assessment questions #3-6 on page 451 OR the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences

Due next Tuesday:

14(2) Turbulent Centuries in Africa (p.452-455)
Identify the terms, people and places on page 452.
Answer map skills questions #2+3 on page 454. Look at the picture on page 455.Why did the Portuguese build castles in Africa?
Answer Assessment questions #3, 4,6 on page 455 OR the 3 checkpoint questions in complete sentences.