Monday, June 13, 2011

Final Exam Review Week

Final Exams are this week. They are 10% of your final grade.

Tuesday- D period final
Wednesday- A period final + C period final
Thursday (1/2 day) B + G finals
Friday (1/2) day E+F finals
Monday- make up day for finals, you must have Principal's approval to take final on this day

Final Exam Review sheet is due on day of final
This will be counted as a 4th quarter quiz grade.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week of June 6,2011

Today, June 6, 1944 is the anniversary of D-Day, the long awaited Allied invasion of France. If you have seen Saving Private Ryan the opening scene is a recreation of D-Day.

This is the last full week of school, finish the year strong.

Due Friday
29(3) The Allies Turn the Tide (939-945) Identify the terms, people, and places. Read Witness history (939) why did WWII become a total war for the US? Read the infographic (941) identify three new WWII technologies and explain how they were used to win the war. Read the three biographies on page 944, identify each of the 3 Allied leaders, their country and two facts from each reading. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Separate homework:
Read D-Day 946-7, answer the three thinking critically questions on page 947.

29(4) victory in Europe and the Pacific (948-951) Identify the terms, people, and places. Answer map skills question #3 on page 949. Draw the shape of the nuclear cloud on page 950. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

29(5) The End of WWII (952-956) Identify the terms, people, and places. Look at the picture on page 952, what happened on V-J Day? Look at chart on page 953, which nation suffered over 22 million deaths and 14 million wounded? What does the Soviet poster pictured on page 954 warn against? Read the Berlin Airlify (955) how were Germany and Berlin divided? What does the Red Menace (956) warn against? Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Due Monday June 13
30(1) The Cold War Unfolds (966-974) Identify the terms, people, and places. Look at the pic ture on page 973, what are the school children practicing for? How is this duck and cover practice similar to our safe spot/lock down drills? How are they different?

The Final Exam Review Sheet passed out last week is due on the day of the final.