Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week of September 28, 2009

Since we start the week with day C, each class will have one drop day this week.
All of the book work is due before Friday's quiz on the material covered this week.

We will be looking at 19th century European and American New Imperialism in India and China before we begin WWI. Imperialism comes from the Latin word imperator or general.

Read 24(4)-The British take over India, page 767-771. Identify all of the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Also, answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Read Concept Connector: Technology page 772. Answer the two Thinking Critically questions in complete sentences.

Read 24(5) China and the New Imperialism, page 773-777. Identify the terms, people, places, in complete sentences. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Make sure to restate or kick back the questions.

Take home quiz essay also due by Friday (25 points)
Which style be the best way to (choose one) rule a country or coach a team or raise a family or teach a class or babysit.... a Confucianist, Daoist, or Legalist style? Be sure you explain why one would be the most successful short and long term and why the other methods are unsuccessful .

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week of September 21, 2009

Complete sections 3(4) + 3(5)assigned last week

This week we will take a closer look at Mohandas K. Gandhi, also called Mahatma (Great Soul).
We will also study the Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tsu (Daoism), and Legalism

Know these terms for the weekly quiz
satyagraha: truth force or nonviolent resistance
civil disobedience: the refusal to obey unjust laws

Also, go to Chapter 27(3), India Seeks Self-Rule (p.865-867)
Identify all the terms, people, and places in split page notes. Answer the three checkpoint questions in complete sentences. Make sure you do not begin your answer with a pronoun.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week of September 14, 2009

This week we will review Eastern Religions and philosophies: Hinduism and Buddhism from India and Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism from China.

Due Wednesday- Chapter 3, section 2, or 3(2) Hinduism and Buddhism pages 76-82. Identify all fo the terms, people and places (terms listed on 76 and in bold print through out the section.) Use the split page note format to identify these terms. Also, answer the four Checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Due Thursday- 3(4) Rise of Civilization in China p. 92-100 (double homework points)
Part I :Identify all of the terms, people and places used split page notes. Answer the six checkpoint questions in comoplete sentences.
Part II . Also, answer questions- How did a new dynasty try to repain the problems left by an aging dynasty on page 95 (box on Dynastic rule in China), Why do you think people were inspired by Confucius's teachings on page 97, and the two thinking Critically questions on page 99.

Due Friday for Accelerated Class- reading on Beer and Bread in Ancient History.

Due Monday (September 21) - 3(5) Strong Rulers Unite China, p. 101-107. Identify the terms, people and places using split page notes. Answer the four checkpoint questions in complete sentences.

Answer questions 1,2,3 on page 111.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

September 10,2009

Terms for Friday's quiz

Explain how man differs from animals
thumb/opposing forefinger
larger brain and central nervous system
walk upright and ability to see far and near

What are the four basic human needs?

What was the greatest technological development of the Old Stone Age?
What was the greatest technological development of the New Stone Age?

Know the four Economic Lifestyles
Hunting and Gathering

Cultural Diffusion- spread of ideas, technology, goods, services...
typically occurs in three ways- trade, migration, and war

Be able to locate the four early river civilizations
The Nile-Egypt
The Fertile Cresent/Mesopotamia- Tigris and Euphrates
The Indus River Valley-India (Pakistan today)
The Yelllow River-China

List at least four factors that make a civilization a civilization and not a culture.

How do Family, Religion, and Education act as pillars of a civiliztion?

Identify the Code of Hammurabi and the 10 Commandments

Identify the technology of


Know the four time periods of history- identify their dates

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

For Class Wednesday complete the questions assigned in class.
Toward Civilization, answer questions #1-3 in complete sentences
First Civilizations: Africa and Asia, answer questions #1-3 in complete sentences.