Sunday, April 21, 2019

Week of April 22, 2019 Honors

1. How did the Scientific Revolution lead to the Enlightenment?
2.  Why were scientists originally called Natural Philsophers? 
3. Is man's nature good or evil?    If man is good why does evil exist? 
4. Can man be trusted to govern?  What would the speakers in our salon say?
5. What is the best form of government?  Why? 

18(1) and 18(2) are due this Friday
Due next week
Coffee reading- Wednesday
Due next Friday
18(3)Radical Days of the Revolution (585-591) 
Identify the terms, people and places.

Read The Engine of Terror, what metaphorically was the "day's wine" for the guillotine?

Read the two account of the Execution of a King (Louis XVI p.586). Why does Marat want to execute the king? List three reasons.
How does the London Times portray the Revolution?

Read the Robespierre biography (p.587) list three events in his life that would explain why he disliked Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

Draw a guillotine (588) Read the six captions (pictures p.587-88) list one fact from each picture.

Look at the picture on page 590: was is La Marseillaise?

Look at the painting of Napoleon on page 591, which side of the French Revolution did the painter, David, agree with: The monarchy or the Revolutionaries?  Why?

Answer the four checkpoint questions  or list 3 facts for each  section  

Homework due the week after vacation:
18(4)  The Age of Napoleon
Identify the terms, people and the places
Read Witness History (592) Describe France after the Revoltion in three words.
How did Napoleon come to power in 1799?  What did he offer France?
Look at the map on p.595:  Which Russian city marked the end of  Napoleon's march east?  Does this remind you of any 20th century dictators blitzkrieg?  Who?  Why? 
Read the primar source (596)  bullet two effects of Napoleon's march into Russia? 
Answer the checkpoint questions in complete sentences or bullet 3 facts for each checkpoint section.

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