Sunday, November 1, 2020

CP1 31-2, 31-2 Due November 6


31(1)  Aggression, Appeasement and War (769-774)
1. Define sanction, appeasement, pacifism, Anschluss
2. Look at the map on page 769.  What three continents did the Axis have areas under control?
3. Read the biography of Haile Selassie (770).  What were the years of his rule of Ethiopia?  Who
      interrupted his rule in 1935?
4. Look at the picture on 771.  Who were the two rulers of the Rome-Berlin Axis pictured?
5. Read Global Connections (772) Who was the American writer and what was his book about the
      Spanish Civil War?
6. Look at the map on 773.  Answer question #2+3
7. Answer questions 4+5 on page 774.

31(2) the Global Conflict: Axis Advances (775-780)
1. Identify blitzkrieg, radar, sonar
2. What airplane is pictured  on page 775?  Draw the markings on its wings.
3. Read rationing and New Products (776).  What three products were made because of shortages in
    WWII?  What products did they replace? 
4. Read Surviving the Blitz(777).  What was the blitz and who survived it?
5. Who is pictured on page 779?
6. What is pictured on page 780?  What day did this date of infamy occur?
7. Answer questions 4,5,6 on page 780.

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